Thursday, October 31, 2019
Modern Project managing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Modern Project managing - Essay Example As such, this student has reviewed an article within the Wall Street Journal which is specifically directed towards project management and the means by which project managers ultimately succeed or fail. The article itself, entitled, â€Å"Dangers of Clinging to Solutions of the Past†approaches the topic of expertise and it applications within project management from a different perspective than almost all other research articles or readings in the press have. Rather than assuming that a great degree of experience is necessarily represents a net asset to the organization, the approach of the author of the article, as well as the information that was reviewed is that the prior knowledge of a manager is not a pre-requisite to success and worse still may represent a very broad range of negative carryovers from incorrect ways that problems had been tackled in the past. As a function of understanding these nuances, the following brief paper will seek to highlight the ways in which traditional understandings of the importance of experience significantly deviate from the perspective that the author of this particular piece of journalism has concluded. Although it is of course incorrect to take a piece of journalism such as the Wall Street Journal and draw a wide range of inference from it with regards to the way in which project management should necessarily proceed, this alongside the other forms of inference that the student can glean from reading management textbooks and a range of peer reviewed articles help to paint the picture of how aspects of so-called â€Å"common sense†deviates significantly from what practicality and actuality demand. Whereas our current model of understanding change and leadership center around finding an individual with the sage knowledge to guide a firm, organization, or group of employees towards the new paradigm, the fact of the matter is, as discussed by the article’s author, that oftentimes the change leader wit h little to no prior experience within such a context can oftentimes evoke a more positive transition than one who has a storied past illustrated during a broad career. As the author notes, this is the result of the fact that few if any change managers that have a broad level of experience have been proven to integrate positive change in an organization. Conversely, those managers that have little if any real world experience have to do what the author refers to as â€Å"learn on their feet†. In this way, rather than forcing an approach that has somewhat worked in the past into a situation, department, or business in which it is more than certain to fail. Conversely, the ability of the young and/or otherwise inexperienced leader to invoke a level of positive change is aided by his lack of baggage from previous employers. Although experience in and of itself is not a detriment to the leader’s progress, the reliance and understanding upon this experience as a means of ef fecting the new change is. As the author of the article states, the fact of the matter is that the inexperienced leader has a definite advantage upon the competition due to the fact that he/she is not polluted by pre-conceived notions of what would ultimately provide a net benefit to the firm or
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Arguments upon the American dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Arguments upon the American dream - Essay Example As stated by renowned American author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, in the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’, the American dream is the pursuit of happiness. Every American man has been trying his best in order to do better and earn more by getting a better job. In the novel, the protagonists, or the members of the family try their best to achieve as many possessions as they can as well as acquire wealth and make something of themselves. They each have a dream of their own and try their level best to achieve the status of a rich person. In the modern day and age as well, most Americans share the same dream and have tried their best to climb up on the wealth ladder in order to be able to have a higher purchasing power so that they can earn a higher status for themselves in society and be able to demand for more products. (The American Dream - F. Scott Fitzgerald) However, this very dream has been denounced according to the American people, commonly known as the Whites, because of the influx of a large population that has been setting and establishing itself within America, for a very long time. The Whites feel prejudice within their hearts against immigrants for the sole reason that they feel that the other people have been taking their jobs away and have thus, in the process, taken away their ‘American dream’. Because of this, the Whites are not being able to fulfil their desires due to the shortage of jobs and employment opportunities as well as seats in educational institutions, schools and colleges. The White race within the confines of the United States has also been shifting over the years because of migrations by people from different countries, belonging to different races. According to a number of reports, over the years, the shift has been so much that half of America consists of the Whites now and the rest of it consis ts of people belonging to other races, mostly the Blacks and the Browns. (Government Census) A race is a line of people measured on the basis of their skin colour; there are a number of people that are ‘racists’ or those that discriminate on the basis of a person’s skin colour and do not offer him jobs or educational opportunities because of the same reason. For a long time, White people have been known to be racists because there has been a history of them discriminating against people belonging to other races. Today in America people belonging to other races have been facing this problem very harshly and are finding it difficult to survive there. The Whites simply mention that they are forced to take these steps in order for them to be able to retain their jobs and other opportunities and not have everything being given away to other people. Being racist is a bad thing because discrimination on any ground is not a civil action to carry out. However, for the mos t part, there is a certain amount that the country might lose out on by losing a White majority because a vast amount of industrialization has been brought about by the Whites. They have been able to contribute a great amount to the world of modern information and technology with the help of the advent of the internet as well as other global communication facilities. They have set the bar for the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
About notebook
About notebook A. Describe what would the police investigator do to the notebook after the parents have passed the notebook to them? There are several procedures a police investigator would do when he receives the laptop. The investigator then has to take down the details of the laptop such as the number of disk drives, any plugged in removable media, time and date of the laptop from the bios and the current time and date from the investigators clock and such. The laptops make and model, and any significant information of it at that time will have to be taken down to. Photos will have to be taken of the original state of the laptop, including the current screen, if it was on. The next step would be to do a hard reset to the system if it is running an operating system. This prevents any further changes to data or any scripts to run. The removable slots of the laptop would also have to be sealed to prevent tampering. Any removable media will have to be documented and securely kept and tagged, or more commonly known as the bag and tag process. All these would be necessary in court to prove proper procedures, integrit y and help in the documentation and recreation of the scene, helping the investigators to visualize the state of which the laptop was in. As computer components are in question, they should be kept in anti static bags to prevent any damage to them during transit or handling by static electricity. The laptop will then be sent to the lab where images of the different data sources will be created and worked upon. The original will not be touched. B. What hardware resources are needed to analyze a notebook? The hardware resources needed to analyze a notebook would depend on the situation. A laptop or desktop can be used on site or in the lab. The laptop or desktop would have to be equipped with a hard disk that is large enough to contain the exact image of the laptops drives and removable media. A write blocker would also be needed to ensure no writing is done to the data during image creation. To assist in the creation, a Live CD can be used to boot up the suspects laptop, typically a small sized Linux distribution. IDE cables, adapters, crossover cables, fire-wire cables and bays are all common hardware for data connection. Additional tools would be torchlight for use in dark areas, gloves to prevent physical evidence tampering and a log form to log all activities done. C. Compare the architectural hardware differences between a notebook and a desktop computer, along with the different tools or equipment that might be needed to perform a forensic image acquisition. There are several architectural differences between a notebook and a desktop computer. The most significant would be the IDE interface. A laptop would use a small IDE connectors than a desktop, although more recent laptops could be using the SATA connections which would be similar. However, laptops could also have soldered on connections, especially if it is using a solid state drive(SSD). Certain laptops which are smaller in size, such as net-books might not have certain ports or means of data storage such as fire-wire ports, USB ports or even CD-ROM drives. In fact, most modern day laptops do not even have a floppy drive. The forensic investigator would then have to plug in an external drive to the IDE ports or USB ports externally. Although with recent technology, it would be possible to boot from a boot-able USB drive, eliminating the need for a CD-ROM drive or floppy drive. D. Base on the scenario, decide whether you want to use more than one tool to create the image, write a brief outline on the choice of tool. I can use a Live CD such as Backtrack 2, SANS Forensic Workstation or even any Linux distribution to create the image with the dd command. # dd if=/dev/hda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c > /mnt/sda1/hda.img.gz I can then restore the image into any disks by unzipping and using dd to restore. # gunzip -c /mnt/sda1/hda.img.gz | dd of=/dev/hda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K The disk information should also be stored by using fdisk command and piping to a text or info file. # fdisk -l /dev/hda > /mnt/sda1/ The advantage of using DD in forensics is that it will create an image of the whole disk, including the unused blocks. It is error free, and easy to do with any Linux distribution. E. What additional evidence could you look for at the victims home or school to obtain clues about her whereabouts? The victims room would be the most important place to search. Additional evidence such as her diary, hand phone, if available, and any books or paper that she wrote in. Her email and any personal sites which hold data online such as Facebook can help in the case. F. Explain what method would be used to preserve the integrity of the evidence obtain, and why the importance of obtaining the data from this method. A hash of the original image from the laptop and any file used should be created. Using an MD5 or SHA1 hash would be advised and recognized in court. The concept of hashing is that no two data objects can have the same hash, and thus if the hash is changed, the data has been compromised. By doing hashing on the original data, the forensic investigator can tell the court that the evidence was not tampered with and anything found was there from the start. Typically, hashing would be done before and after duplication of the disk image to ensure that the disk is exactly the same. G. Determine which file(s) have bad extension and further examine the file headers of these file(s) using a hex editor. Why is it important to carry out such procedure that it may help the team in solving the case? The file headers contain information that help the operating system to identify what kind of file it is. File headers are often corrupted or changed on purpose to hide the true identity of the file. If this is overlooked, crucial documents could be missed and identified as other types of unrelated documents. Secondly, the file headers could be corrupted to prevent reading of the file and will have to be further examined to find out the content.
Friday, October 25, 2019
music in Much Ado About nothing :: essays research papers
In literature, music can be used both to enhance the mood of the plot and it can be used as an actual part of the plot or story line. In Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing" music is used in both scenarios: both to set the mood and also as part of the actual story, serving as an event in the play, a necessary part in the sequence of events. The mood that is set by the music in the play seems to play a significant role in the progression of the plot in helping the audience become more aware of the character's feelings. Only with the combination of the motives of the music is the message of love able to be portrayed. It is quite obvious how music is able to have an effect on the mood or tone of an event. By playing slow music the audience gets a more solemn picture that otherwise might not have been portrayed to such an extent without the enhancement of the music. Faster music creates a more excited or anticipatory mood. This type of music is used as a catalyst or a tool for effectiveness in order to trigger emotions or feelings from the audience. It also allows the audience to get in on the feelings of the characters that are not expressed with words. In Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" he uses the music as a part of the scenery in order to set the mood. In act 1 scene 2 the stage description is: "[enter Antonio's son with a Musician and Attendants.]" While this might be easy for a play director to portray in performing a play, while reading the play a large part of the effect can be lost. One can hypothesize what type of music would be playing at this point in the play when Leonato is telling his cousins what must be done so "that she may be better prepared for an answer (lines 22-23)". He is trying to undermine the plan that he misunderstands. Leonato is told falsely that Don Pedro intends to pursuit his daughter, Hero. It is up to the reader to decipher what type of music should be played at this point of the play and through that what type of mood to set. It can be assumed that a mysterious, or conquering with notes of excitement, music should be played.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Legal Strikes and Illegal Strikes Under Labor Law
Q1. Legal strikes and illegal strikes are dramatically different in terms of how they are viewed in Labour Law. Discuss. (5 marks) Section 1 (1) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 defines â€Å"a strike as a cessation of work, a refusal to work or to continue to work by employees in combination or in concert or in accordance with a common understanding, or a slow-down or other concerted activity on the part of employees designed to restrict or limit output†.According to the â€Å"Labour Relations Act, 1995†the strikes are legal only if some preconditions are met such as the collective agreement must have expired, a strike vote must have been held and 50% of the members are in favour of the strike, and a conciliation officer must have been appointed. All the employees covered under Labour Relations Act, 1995 are not lawfully permitted to strike e. g. ospitals, and nursing homes and Toronto Transit Commission do not have the right to strike. Some departments like fire fig hters and police are not subject to the above-discussed law and have their own legislations. If a union is not adhering the law the strike can be charged as illegal and the participants are subject to discipline. The employer can request the board for cease immediately and if the orders are disobeyed, court injunction can occur.The breech of court orders can result in fines and jail sentences and employers can also sue the individuals or unions for the damages. The union leaders can be charged and held responsible for the consequences of the strike. Considering the differences of legal and illegal strike, as defined above by law, it can be argued that legal strikes and illegal strikes are dramatically different in terms of how they are viewed in Labour Law. Question 2: How should Bob begin to address this situation? (5 marks)Bob Graham a newly appointed Labour Relation Manager has been directed by the management to get rid of the chief union steward Peter who is known for absenteeis m (missed over 100 shifts), coming late to work (53 times), do not advise his supervisor about being absent (25 occasions), low performance at work, breath smells of alcohol on a regular basis (serious infraction), unpredictable mood swings and disruptive behavior to entire workforce. The complaints have been made by the employees to the management about Peter’s bsenteeism, attitude and performance but all in vain. Employees who habitually absent from work or come late are subject to discipline. Absenteeism in the plant averages six shifts a year whereas, Peter has missed one hundred shifts which is way more than the plant average therefore should be subject to discipline with a series of warnings and ultimately should be discharged. Although there are several concrete evidences and complaints about Peter’s misconduct at the workplace, his disciplinary record is clear.The reason for this, described in the case study, is very obvious, management views Peter as someone t o fear, as the company occurred a hefty financial loss as a result of a successful illegal strike lead by him. Bob is in a very critical position as he is new to the organization and that there is no record of Peter’s misconduct at the workplace. He has not been issued any verbal or written warnings. Therefore he should be very careful in whatever actions he take against Peter.He should start an official, fair and objective investigation against Peter and should involve other senior management members too. The major issue faced by Bob is that apart from the clear evidences of Peter’s misconduct in the workplace there are no disciplinary reports against him. Bob should first develop a relationship of trust with the employees in the organization as a credible HR manager. Bod in normal situation would consult union steward and Peter’s immediate supervisor to discuss the issue. As Peter is the union steward, it can be hard for him to involve union effectively.Theref ore he should keep the evidences like his attendance, his behavior with others and should conduct interviews with the employees who have been complaining about his behavior and have substantial amount of documentary evidences by taking as many witnesses as possible. Because Peter is the chief steward of the union and has been occurring substantial financial losses to the company, it is worth hiring a third party to do the investigation for Bob. After he is collected concrete evidence against him, he should conduct an interview with Peter in the presence of another senior management member and address the issues.Peter should be given verbal warning followed by the written warnings. He can repeat the written warnings if required so that the disciplinary action can be escalated to the next level. If Peter finally does not correct his behavior, which most likely seems to be the case, he should be suspended without pay fro 1 to 5 days. After that if he still does not change his behavior, he is subject to be terminated with cause. Question 3: If Peter is discharged, what arguments would the company lawyer use at arbitration? (10 marks)If the management decides to discharge Peter, he using his power will take the disciplinary action to attribution where the union will try to show that management did not have cause to the disciplinary action against Peter. Company lawyer in this case should have real evidences against peter so that management can attempt to prove how the action taken was crucial for business. Peter committed some serious offences like drinking at the workplace and the clear disciplinary record the he has â€Å"irreparably damaged the employment relationship with the employer†(Module 5).The contract between an employee and employer, which says that employee will carry out tasks according to the directions given and would adhere the established standards personally and professionally in return of the payment he gets from employer. The lawyer sho uld talk about management rights in collective agreement, which outlines that the management has the right to fire the employees who are subject to discipline and poor performance to run the business smoothly. The lawyer should provide the substantial documentations Bob prepared while investigation and warning stage.The lawyer should also emphasize if discipline is a required function on the management’s mandate to preserve stability in the workplace. Talking within the context of discipline the argument should be made by the lawyer about how Peter’s absenteeism significantly and progressively exceeded the plant average and that the behavior was not altered by him after a series of communication with him in making an effort to close the gap between his performance and the established standards of the organizations.While highlighting the causes of discharge such as, 100 missed shifts, 53 late arrivals and 25 occasions of not advising the supervisor of his absence, the a rgument should also be made about as to how Peter was able to influence management using his power not to make a report on his disciplinary record. Considering his involvement in the serious infractions such as drinking at the workplace and harassing the co-workers psychologically it can be argued that his actions did not meet the mandatory standards established by the organization. No formal apology by Peter to the management can also be a significant argument for the company lawyer.As defined in module 5 â€Å"Discipline can include termination with cause for serious infractions or infractions which have followed lengthy disciplinary records†, Peter is subject to both which provides a logical cause to the action taken against him. Q 4. What arguments would the union lawyer make in response? (10 marks) The work record, seniority, age, re-employability, company rules, duty to accommodate, the economic climate and his reputation as a union leader will be the key arguments by t he union lawyer in response to the company lawyer.Peter’s seniority and clean disciplinary record suggests that the union lawyer has a strong argument to make. Peter’s length of service with the company would provide the union lawyer an edge over the company lawyer as in the union-represented workplaces senior employees have significant rights and seniority derives almost all of the decisions to reduce bias. Peter’s seniority is complemented with the clean disciplinary record over the period of his job that puts the union lawyer in a strong position. Peter’s age and economic conditions in the industry he works in provide a strong argument.According to the case study â€Å"Peter Frost is a 52 year old maintenance mechanic with 25 years service in a construction materials plant in western Mississauga†. According to the statistic provided on bureau of labour website the maintenance mechanics’ jobs are subject to change frequently and adaption t o new sophisticated machinery is crucial. The increased automation and new computer controlled machines in the plants can result in less demand for old workers who got their training years back and were unable to update their skills.Peter perfectly fits in this scenario, as he is working in the industry for a long time and doesn’t seem like he as been going for new training considering his attitude to work. Therefore his re-employability is an issue considering the external environment of the industry. The fact that Peter is a known union leader for conducting successful illegal strikes can also affect his re-employability. Company rules also put the union lawyer in a favorable position.The clean disciplinary record of Peter advocates that the organization does not have the history of enforcement of disciplinary actions, the past practices and the publication of rules is poor. If the disciplinary rules and procedures were in place and were practiced the management would have been warned Peter of infractions as they occurred, and also the â€Å"Discipline in the labour relations field is foremost rehabilitative rather than punitive†(Module 4). If Peter admits he is addict to alcohol the company has the duty to accommodate under the Ontario Human Rights Code.It can be logically argued on this base that peter’s addiction is a disease/ disability and he is covered under the terms of the Duty to Accommodate provisions of the Code (Module 5). Question 5: What criteria would an arbitrator use to decide the case and what decision would likely be made? (20 marks) In this discharge case the arbitrator has the ultimate right to support the discharge of Peter, dismiss his discharge or adjust the discipline to something less than a discharge for example an extended suspension without pay.In situations like this, it is usually up to the company and union lawyers as to how they present and support the information they provide to the arbitrator. However t he decisions made by arbitrator in the past and set examples are also the majour contributors in the decisions made by an arbitrator (Module 5). The literature about the previous cases reveals that an arbitrator typically considers the severity of infraction, the work record, seniority, age, re-employability of the employee and the company rules, duty to accommodate, the economic climate before making any decisions.In this case both the union lawyer and the company lawyer have provided some logical arguments to defend them, which makes it very difficult to predict what decision the arbitrator would most likely to make. The comparison of both parties’ arguments and the past decisions of the arbitrators would help to anticipate the decision the arbitrator would make about Peter’s discharge case. The company lawyer made a solid argument about the seriousness of the offences made by Peter such as drinking at the workplace.Where as the union lawyer made a logical argument t o defend peter, he highlighted that if Peter admits that he is alcoholic or drug addict which is considered to be a disease and a disease is a disability the employer considering the Duty to Accommodate Provisions of the Code is bound to accommodate Peter through appropriate means rather than discharge. The company lawyer made an argument about peters progressive absenteeism and poor performance over the period of 4 years.Talking within the context of discipline the argument was made by the lawyer about how Peter’s absenteeism significantly and progressively exceeded the plant average and the gap between his performance and the established standards of the organizations. Peter’s seniority is complemented with the clean disciplinary record over the period of his job was highlighted by the union lawyer in response. The absence of any disciplinary charges on Peter’s record provided the union lawyer an edge over the company lawyer.The lawyer argued about management rights in collective agreement, which says that management has the right to fire the employees who are subject to discipline and poor performance to run the business smoothly. The union lawyer raised an issue of company rules he argued that the clean disciplinary record of Peter advocates that the organization does not have the history of enforcement of disciplinary actions, the past practices and the publication of rules is poor.The lack of communication history between Peter and the management in the previous years did put the company lawyer in an awkward position, as the discipline in the labour relations field is primarily rehabilitative and not punitive. The company lawyer talked about how Peter’s behavior was interfering with other employees but the evidences did not back that as his record was clear and there was a not substantial document available from previous years.The union lawyer in this case seems to have an upper hand over the company lawyer as he argued about Peter’s seniority, age, re-employability the economic condition, the external environment of the industry which are the majour issued the arbitrator would consider while making the decision. The union lawyer had thoroughly researched the criteria the arbitrators use to make decision and has made argument about how the charges against peter are not well supported by the evidences. Arbitrators made the decisions based on the evidences provided by the both parties.The examples of the documentation could be the documentations, videos and witnesses. The lack of these evidences from the company lawyer suggests that Peter is most like to get away with the situation and the decision might be made in his favour than the company. Q 6. How does the situation change if Peter admits he is an alcoholic? (10 marks) If peter admits he is an alcoholic he would have an upper hand over the company. According to the Ontario Human Rights Code the employer has the duty to accommodate the employees who have disabilities.The union lawyer can make a logical argument to defend peter if he admits that he is alcoholic or drug addict which is considered to be a disease and a disease is a disability therefore considering the Duty to Accommodate Provisions of the Code employer is bound to accommodate Peter through appropriate means rather than discharge (Module 5). According to the interpretation of the act the organization must establish that Peter’s disability (consuming alcohol while working) interferes with the rights of other co-workers.The clear disciplinary record of Peter over the length of his job makes it difficult to prove that his behavior has been seriously interfering the right s of other employees. The code says that the employers should accommodate the minor interference or inconveniences if the employee take initiative and request for accommodation. If peter explains why he is asking for accommodation the company is obliged to asses the need of accommodation b ased on the needs of Peter’s colleagues.Peter however is required to apply for the accommodation in writing providing enough time for employer to respond and the company is required to response within reasonable time. If Peter is flexible and realistic the company should considers alternatives than discharge Peter as guided by the Ontario Human Rights Code. According to the case study, there are â€Å"persistent rumours from other employees and supervisors that Peter’s breath smells of alcohol on a regular basis†however there is no evidence of that as his disciplinary record is clear.This puts Peter in a good position to request for the accommodation from employer as the law allows him to do so. Therefore based on the evidences discussed above it can be logically argued that if Peter, in accordance with law, admits that he is an alcoholic it is very likely that he will take advantage of the law as he is an experiences union steward. References: http://www. bls. gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/industrial-machinery-mechanics-and-maintenance-workers. htm#tab-6 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. http://www. labour. gov. on. ca/english/lr/faqs/lr_faq3. php#what1
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human and Technology Essay
A social constructed human beeing: a (bio)technological approach The importance of this article talks about how technology has helped us and how it has also changed us as humans. It compares the past of the humans with the future of the humans. This source of the paper deals with my topic by helping me answer some questions of how technology is helping out humans and making them smarter. But then there is a down side to it also helping me explain the technology and if it is evolving faster than what we can get a grip on it and actually enjoy it before something more advanced comes about. The reason feeling like I can actually relay on this source is because it has a lot of other sources behind it that are cited and that are included into one big source that is which makes up this paper. Pros and Cons of modern technologies In the importance of this article it talks about the pros and cons of technology. This source is very helpful to my topic by it explaining how technology has helped us humans and destroyed us at the same time. This source explains the positives on how this new technology has put us humans at an advanced rate and helped us out tremendously. It also explains the cons of this new advanced technology and how it has put a major hurting on the new generation and has made us too reliable on this new technology to do all the dirty work rather than how it was done in the past of long ago before all these new electronics and gadgets came along, when most things were done by human hands, instead just with the flick of a switch or push of a button. Yes and no of relying on this source because it has background information and a few cited sources which I can relay on, but some things there just isn’t enough information on whether to believe it all or not. The comparing of both of these sources that I’m using is that they both talk about how much technology has helped us. The difference between these two sources are that one article also talks about how all this new advanced technology has hurt the human nature with its side effects. September/26/2011 The Pros and Cons of Technology Today In this source it talks about the great things of technology and how it has come a long way and helped out the world lots and that we use it in our everyday lives, but also that with every good there comes a bad. This source helps me with my topic and relates with my topic because I’m looking for the good and bad in technology and how it has changed our lives, either for the good or bad. But this source tells me all the good and how it has saved lives, and then there is the downfall of how it has effected lives and caused harm. I know that I can rely on this source because it has hot links that are included into this which lead to more information if more is needed for back up. With the differences of the other resources some doesn’t talk about all of the different effects that technology has on life. The pros and cons of advancing technology With the importance of this source article it talks not only about how technology helps humans, but is it evolving faster than we can learn. This source is relevant to my topic because of the good things it talks about with technology helping people and the bad of technology with people. It answers the fact that of are we really prepared for all of these new changes in technology or is technology advancing way too fast for us? This source also has hotlinks that linked too it that gives me more information from different websites for me to have something to backup all my information on. The comparing of all of these sources is that they all talk about the greatness of technology and how it has helped out the human population so much, but then how technology has also effected the human population and given people different perspectives on things than the way it was of the past. The difference from this source than all the other sources is that this source talks about how technology is advancing and that it might be advancing more than what the human mind can comprehend all so fast. October/3/2011The Pros and Cons of Technology in the classroom The main story behind this article is about the good and bad of technologies. The source of this article is relevant to my topic by technology having its good and effective ways on helping people learn faster, and easier. This source also talks about how hard it is for every person to be as advanced with the technology and have it in every school because of its expenses. In one way technology can be good for its uses in classrooms, but on the other hand it can also be bad, because every school isn’t going to be able to have the advanced studies of the new type of technology that comes out so often, because of it expenses. For example when one school who is on a budget with buying new technology, and when they final are able to get that technology, a school that is able to afford the technology as soon as it comes out already has a newer version of the schools old technology. So that’s a down side to this. Yes I can rely on this authors work because of its well cited facts and information to back up things. This article is different with its talks about technology in classrooms. Same by having its ups and downs of technology. Technology of Security Engineering (Program for Cyber security Neighborhood watch Developed) This article’s source is about mainly the technology security and how it can help and also cause security problems. This source of this article is relevant to my topic by showing ways of how technology has helped keep the people safe and how it has also hurt some people verbally and physically. This article answers the question of to how can the security help and help people in their everyday lives. The way technology security can help people are with their being passwords for to help save people from letting them get out their personal information. Also it can harm people by their being hackers out here in the world and breaking through those security fields and getting information of other people. Then they can pretend to be others through technology without showing ones true identity and ruining someone else career. The comparison of all these articles is there being a way technology can help people and harm them. The difference is that this source talks about security technology, than any of the other sources. October/5/2011 Technology in restaurants The source to the technology in restaurants is that there can be errors and there can be good things that come about. The good can come about for when the restaurant has a quality of food and the technology is just there to help them keep track of the stock of things. The bad is that there can be errors when technology is doing all the work and there can be a wrong type of number put in and can cause a miscount of the quality of the food. This topic relates to mine by there being way that technology can help and affect our everyday human life. The comparison of all these sources is that there is always a plus to having technology and a negative to how it can affect our everyday lives. The difference of this article is that this one talks about how technology helps and affects our lives with restaurants. Investing in Technology in restaurants This source talks mainly about how if it is good or not to invest into technology and if it can ditechnology can go two ways. This can be good because the technology might make things faster and easier for the restaurant. But this could also go bad because this could change the taste of food from which peoples are use too, and it could slow things down. So it’s a risk that the purchasers for the restaurants have to take. This source relate to my topic by saying whether it is good or bad for this technology and if it can help out humans or not. The comparisons of all of these are that the good and bad comes with all technology. The difference of this article is saying is there a risk with helping or hurting the restaurant with buying technology that they are not familiar with. October/12/2011 Pros and Cons of Modern versus Old Technology The source of this article talks about the greatness of how much technology has helped out with the human body so much in ways of finding things that couldn’t be done without technology. The source of this article also talks about how technology has its downside with helping humans figure out problems with the human body. This source is relevant to my topic with all the good of saying how far technology has come with making humans lives so much easier. But it also relates to my topic by telling all of the cons about how technology has hurt the human body and that it sometimes reads off false information. This source helps me answer that no matter how great technology is, that it can still be wrong at times. I can rely on this source because of all the good information that is stated along with its information backing up all the details. The comparison of all these articles is that they all have the good and bad side to having technology around. The difference of this article is that it talks about how technology has helped out discover new things in the human body. The pros and cons of finding out through technology about Medicated chewing gum. This source of the article talks about how chewing gum has its great ways of helping people out. This source also talks about the bad side of how chewing medicated chewing gum can affect you. This source is relevant to my topic by having the good side of chewing gum and how it can help humans by keeping them with fresh breath, helping humans out by whiting their teeth; fight cavities and making your jaw bone structure stronger. The other way it helps me is by showing the way technology finds out the bad things that this medicated chewing gum can harm you by giving you cavities causing problems with your gums because of the sugars and colors affected changes to the mouth. I can rely on this source because of all the other case studies that are within this article that all have information to back it up with. The comparison of all these articles are that technology has its ups and downs of helping humans. The difference of this article is that it’s about chewing gum and how it can affect the human body mouth and cause more problems.
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