Saturday, November 30, 2019
Management and Leadership of Organizations free essay sample
Management and Leadership of Organizations Unit 1 Individual Project American InterContinental University Details: The internet has created new ways to do business for organizations with much less capital planning as opposed to the high capital needs of traditional brick and mortar organizations. Based on this, how should management and leadership be addressed for each type of business? Research successful traditional and online retailers and address the following issues: Discuss the organizational structure of one traditional and one online retailer. Identify two management or leadership challenges for each type of retailer. Are the challenges basically the same or different? In what ways are they the same or how are they different? If you were advising a successful leader in a traditional retailer who was interested in making the transition to working as an online retail organization, what advice would you give? Management and Leadership This paper I will examine the roles and responsibilities of authoritative managers and leaders in advancement and creating an advantageous authoritative ability in a company. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Leadership of Organizations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I will additionally differentiate amid administration and administration aural an aggregation as able-bodied as call the roles in which both managers and leaders comedy in creating and advancement an advantageous authoritative ability in a company. I will go on to explain how the arch action of administration supports the conception and aliment of an advantageous authoritative ability in a company. Finally, I will achieve with my recommendations that both managers and leaders can use to actualize and advance an advantageous authoritative ability in a company. The responsibilities of the managers in a company are to overlook employees’ performance, accommodate acknowledgment during advance reviews, and analyze areas of improvements and agent recognition. A company will also have leaders, which are classified as assignments or work leaders. Their duties are to aid advisers like themselves in their circadian job duties. Assignment or work leaders tend to be added accomplished advisers who managers agent this responsibility. Although the two high leaders and management seem to be similar, I can truly tell you they are very different. Someone people maybe a manger but not a true leader. The definition of a manager is to accept subordinates and leaders accept followers. (Changing Minds) There are dissimilarities with a leader and a manager at each company. They can have very different attitudes on their goals. whit a manager in a company’s authoritative goals are linked to the ability of the organization based on the four functions of administration such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, as with leaders access goals are on a more personal level. Leaders tend to advance his or her own account rather than accommodate to the â€Å"Main Objective†of the organization. Leaders accept an abundant access on others. According to the analysis I have found it states that, â€Å"Outstanding leaders connect their strategic substance and effective interpersonal processes to codify and apparatus strategies that produce a result and acceptable aggressive advantage†. Within a company, both managers and aggregation leads have a role in creating and advancement an advantageous authoritative culture. Often, a person can tend to act out of ethnocentrism, which is â€Å"the addiction to adjudicator others by the standards of one’s accumulation or culture, which are apparent as superior,†This behavior reflects badly on an organization. Managers and aggregation leads in a company are declared to reflect the personality of the support the overall goals and the organization. For example, a company, it is important that you accomplish every goal to get a customer’s to have absolutely corporation with an operational person in a proper time frame that you guarantee your customers so that they are happy. To do this involves a lot of maneuverings from several people in the organization. Both managers and leads must take on some activity to ensure this is done. An acceptable leader will help motivate the advisers to want to access and meet this goal. This entails the lead of management, which â€Å"involves the manager’s efforts to activate high achievement by each employee†. In A company, administering account achievement evaluations on advisers or employees helps each manager by pointing out employees’ strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvements to accredit that agent to grow to be more successful. This supports the conception and aliment of an advantageous organizational culture within the company. This way the advisers or employees can see where they are and what area they need to change to be affective in the organization’s goal. The leading action of administration â€Å"involves the manager’s efforts to activate high achievement by employees†. In an organization, this is handled by administering account evaluations of each advisers and having daily team meetings to communicate tasks that are being followed and completed to be sent to high management. This is additionally how administration supports the conception and aliment of an advantageous organizational culture in a company. Recommendations for managers who demand to be leaders are to appearance compassion. To be a leader a person needs to see the world as an opportunity to change. They need to accept the employees dilemmas. Respect the assessment of the advisers and accomplish decisions that will be acceptable not only for them but the company as well. Leaders should not be acquisitive or selfish. They need to accept the amount of sharing, and apperceive their success is the effect of the efforts of every individuals. In conclusion I have shown you the different aspects between a manager and a leader in a company. With a new concept and a diverse world of business it is very necessary to implement both the managerial skills with the leadership skills in order to create new ideas. All of the Employees need to feel that their worth everything to the company and that they know that their opinions matter in the company as well. With c company you will always have challenging assignments and implementing that will build an idea in an employee and some are will not be discontent or unhappy. References Changing Minds Retrieved from http://changingminds. org/disciplines/leadership/articles/manager_leader. htm The Art and Science of Leadership sixth edition author Afsaneh Nahavandi
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How and why the definition of development has changed Essays
How and why the definition of development has changed Essays How and why the definition of development has changed Essay How and why the definition of development has changed Essay How and why the definition of development has changed The definition of development has changed radically, and was first only characterized by using economic indicators as its primary factor. Predominantly, economic Is the mall contributing factor, however, in modern times, living conditions, and other contributing factors to the well-being of a population has helped manipulate whether a country is developed or not. Basing development on the economic status was commonly used decades ago; however the deflation of It has become less narrow In the 21 SST century, with broader concepts other than the wealth of a country being seed. This Is mainly because as times have changed, so have peoples pollens on the significance of certain Indicators, with less focus aimed at how much Different factors can help determine what development means, with social, environmental, political and sustainability all being used Communication and travel networks have developed over the past few decades, with the first electronic computers introduced in the 1 sass. This has provided people with the Web, and thus an extensive source of information that people can utilize it make them aware of global affairs and the tuitions of other foreign countries. This has helped people become aware of how to differentiate between different levels of development, as they can identify strengths and weaknesses from current affairs either through social networking, or other forms of media. Sociability is a significant factor as a lack of community spirit or unity can help show that even if a country is producing a vast output, that relationships between people may be mixed. Subsequently a countrys development needs to help reflect the extent of social well-being. Environmental and sustainability are closely interlinked when defining development, as a country shouldnt be regarded as developed if the environment is being neglected for a countrys growth in wealth. In addition, if resources are being depleted for this necessary short term development then it is going to effect the future generations ability to grow, so development has had to take into consideration the sustainability of these countries. If future generations have a limited opportunity to utilize resources then a country is not truly developed, so In addition, there was a very vague generalization that the Brandt line presented a split in development of countries. The Brandt line has adapted Its shape In recent times, with some southern hemisphere countries developing at such a rate they cannot be regarded as Inferior to some northern counterparts. Despite the anomalies, the Brandt line Is still used to represent a North/ South divide between those countries who are developed and those who are not. Even though It remains quite true even today with the revised definition, It Is still vague and Is often disputed. Another reason that the definition may have changed Is the Improvement f the ethics and morals of people In modern society. Many people now have an ethos of equality between social classes and because of this; It has been seen as quite offensive to label something as third world. Using the notion of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd world hierarchy system has meant its very difficult to escape from it as there is class an hence less developed is something of the past, with each country developed within their own right. The main reason, as aforementioned, that the definition of development has changed, is because the concept has evolved further from Just economically developed. Before, acronyms such as LED and MED (Less Economically Developed Country and More Economically Developed Country respectively) were used but in recent times, they have been scrapped and OLD and MAD have been replaced for them instead. This represents a huge shift from the idea that economic prowess was the only factor that contributed to whether a country was developed or not. Economics Just shows the wealth of a country and how many goods or services it can produce within a year. Whilst the level of production and standards of living can be closely linked, it cannot be proven that welfare increases in all cases where there is economic growth. As a result, other factors have been used in collaboration with economics so a more even and fair definition of development could be used. Literacy has been conceptualized traditionally as having a major role in developing a nation. Literacy helps to spread awareness among the people of their rights. People with good literacy skills enjoy a higher standard of living, have better opportunities of finding Jobs, and are able to continue to learn new skills that will help them in the workplace. A nation with high literacy rate is more keel to attract a large pool of investors and entrepreneurs as well as the inflow of money which in turn have a great impact on the nations economy. A societys economic prosperity and literacy have great influence on each other as they Jointly grow together. As a result of this, more people are sharing opinions on how development should be characterized, which has led to a shift away from economic toward a more diverse spread of criteria. Only those who are narrow-minded have allowed development to be branded in such a simplistic fashion, but with the increase in education, there are less people who share that narrow-minded view.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Improve your college paper writing with us!
Improve your college paper writing with us! Why Your College Writing is Not Getting Good Grades - Tips to Fix It Once you walk into your first college class, you are subject to much higher expectations for course work. Your reading assignments will be more frequent and lengthier; your assignments will be more challenging; and the type of college papers you must produce will be more complex and held to a higher standard than is typical for high school students. It is highly unlikely that your professors will do the following: Receive a rough draft, make corrections and suggestions for improvement, and then receive a final draft for ultimate grading. Assist you in improving your writing, unless it is a writing course with a lab component. It is highly likely that your professor will do the following: Read and assign a grade to an essay or paper that you submit Assign a poor grade if the piece of writing does not meet his/her expectations If your writing assignments result in poor grades, there may be a number of reasons, and there are also methods for fixing any of the issues you may have with your research and writing skills. Mis-understanding/Failing to Adhere to the Specifics of the Assignment This is one of the most common mistakes students make. When a college paper assignment is given, they fail to read carefully from their syllabi or listen to their professors’ specifications. Frequently, a details of a writing assignment will be contained in the syllabus, so be certain that you read them very carefully and stick exactly to what your professor wants. If the assignment specifies that you compare and contrast, then that is exactly what you must do; if you are to analyze an outside reading assignment, then you are to read it carefully, take it apart, summarizing the points the author is making and commenting on those points. If you are asked to evaluate, you are being asked to make a judgment – are the author’s points or opinions valid? Why or why not? If you are to write a book review discussing one of its themes, you will not be providing a plot summary. The Fix: Read the assignment very carefully and look for key words – compare, contrast, analyze, discuss, respond to, evaluate, describe, etc. If you do not understand the assignment, contact your professor of the TA. Do not do a thing until you know exactly what is expected of you. Too Broad or Too Narrow a Topic You will usually be given a minimum and maximum length for a writing assignment, ad your topic must be of a breadth and depth to â€Å"fit.†When you choose a topic that is too broad, you will become overwhelmed with the amount of information there is and may fall into a trap of leaving out crucial research and points, in order to stay within the length requirement. If your topic is too narrow, there will not be enough information to meet the minimum requirement, you may try to add â€Å"fluff†to fill pages, and your grade will definitely suffer. The Fix: If you have to choose your own topic within a broad area, select a couple that are of interest. Contact your professor or TA and ask for advice. They are usually happy to help! If your topic is too broad, you can probably narrow it down to one or more aspects; if it is too narrow, better pick something else. Part of writing a college paper is selecting a topic that is correct for the required length! Unsophisticated Research You are in college now, and Wikipedia is not a resource for research. You will be expected to find scholarly resources on your topic. If you use the same types of resources that you did in high school, or if you use resources intended for middle and high school levels, your professor will be angry, and you could easily end up with an â€Å"F.†The Fix: Once you have your topic, perform a simple â€Å"Google†search. For example, use â€Å"college level resources for eugenics movements in the United States.†You will get a long list, including one or two clearing houses of resource lists. Choose your resources from among these lists and be grateful you are not in college 4 decades ago when searches had to be conducted in the library, using the card catalogue! And if you do go to the campus library, you can search by topic and be comfortable knowing that resources housed there are at an appropriate level of sophistication. One note, however: Wikipedia does have its place, particularly as you are attempting to refine a topic, because the entries are almost always divided into sub-topics. Lack of a Thesis You may have been able to get away with this in high school, but never when writing college papers. Choosing a topic is one thing. Coming up with a solid thesis is quite another. The thesis statement tells your reader why you have researched this topic or presents your viewpoint or opinion on the topic. Without a thesis, your paper has no scholarly merit and will certainly earn an â€Å"F.†The Fix: Once you have a topic, ask yourself some questions about it. Is this something that most people don’t understand? Why is it important? What is your purpose in researching this – are you trying to enlighten, persuade, or analyze? When you answer one or more of these questions you will have your thesis statement. (And put it at the end of your introductory paragraph) Composition Issues If you lack good writing skills – organization, coherence, paragraph development, sentence structure, transitions, mechanics, you will always receive lowered grades, no matter for what course you are writing an essay or paper. The Fix: Unfortunately, correcting this issue is a process that takes times. You need to begin a self-taught program of grammar and composition, get a tutor, or spend a lot of time in the writing lab. Anyone can become a good academic writer, but it takes commitment and lots of practice. In the meantime, you may want to enlist the services of a reputable academic writing service that can provide you with original, custom writing while you develop your own skills.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Parable of the Watchful Servants Term Paper
The Parable of the Watchful Servants - Term Paper Example (c) Do you detect any particular structural pattern? (example: parallelism with other books of the Bible or is you passage a stand-alone passage etc.) (d) Has your passage come through the editorial process? What changes have been made? Explain why possible changes have been made? (e) What are the theologically important words in your passage? Do these words evoke any other parts of the Bible? Are these words used in a new way by the author of this passage? What does the word or words mean? (f) What does this passage say about a relationship with God? What questions might this passage have addressed in the community for which it was originally addressed? Context The passage which proceeded from the Parable of the Watchful Servant pertains to the Parable of Rich Fool. This verse in Luke 12: 13-21 forewarned believers not to covetous to mundane and material abundance because God is not interested about how much wealth was reaped from this world but how much spiritual we alth one was able to nurture. Didn’t it was clearly pronounced when he asked â€Å"what profit a man if he earns the whole world but loses his own soul (Mark 8:36)?†The parable of the Watchful Servant was also connected to the succeeding paragraph which explicated the need for those enriched to care for those who are deprived as enshrined in Luke 12: 22-29. The verses ask the rich to not just enjoy once abundance in life by eating, party-making and merrying but rather by engaging in a more meaningful act of sharing such abundance to those who are hungry, deprived and impoverished. Such mundane richness is neither the measure of man’s person nor of Christian’s value. Man should transcend the richness reaped from for mundane causes and must rather prepare his soul with values to please God because He will not be fascinated to recognize the possessions generated from the earth which always corrupt the person and his spirit. The biblical text called on the f ollowers to treasure those that could permeate him to enjoy the Kingdom in heaven. Thus, the passage encourages those who earned more to give alms and to share because life is more than the flesh and more than just meat. It’s therefore primordial to â€Å"seek first the Kingdom of God because all things shall be added unto you (Luke 12:31).†The Parable of the Watchful Servant is followed by the verses on The Unfaithful Servant (Luke 12:41-48) and I quote: Then Peter said unto him, Lord, speakest thou this parable unto us, or even to all? And the Lord said, who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? 43 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath. But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the m enservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken; The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more (Luke 12:41-48). Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sony Corporation Financial review for the Year 2004-2005(As until Essay
Sony Corporation Financial review for the Year 2004-2005(As until Nov05) - Essay Example In the Electronics segment, Sony develops, designs, manufactures electronic equipment. Its subsidiary, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., the Company develops, produces, manufactures and markets games like PlayStation, PS one, PlayStation 2, among others. In the Music segment, Sony produces recorded music and music videos, and also distributes compact discs (CDs), digital versatile discs (DVDs) and universal media discs (UMDs). Sony's Pictures segment includes production, acquisition and distribution of motion pictures, television broadcasting and online distribution. Sony's financial services include savings and loans. The Other segment consists of an advertising agency business and an Internet-related service business. Focusing on the recent financial year, Sony entered a new stage of development, one that seeks to target opportunities in the upcoming era of broadband networks. A new top-management team made up of CEO Sir Howard Stringer, Director Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, and CFO Mr. Katsumi Ihara was formed to take the lead in this important effort. This is a pivotal year for Sony Corporation, and this new structure will enable the company to streamline its operation, and provide a more cohesive focus for operating its businesses around the world in a proactive and strategic manner. This Report is an attempt to analyze and review, in depth the financial status, position and a comprehensive reporting of the same to the Investors of Sony Corporation. Financial & Market Standpoint(As of Nov'2005): The global economy was generally strong during the first half of the fiscal year. However, the U.S. economy began to slow in the second half of the year due to a rapid slowdown in growth of consumer spending and other economic factors. As the fiscal year drew to a close, economies in Japan, Asia, Europe, and elsewhere showed increasing signs of weakness. Even amid these worsening market conditions, Sony was able to achieve a 9% increase in consolidated net sales for the year (Hem Scott, Inc. ). On a local currency basis, sales rose 12%(Hem Scott, Inc. ). A large increase in sales of electronics products was the primary reason. Regarding earnings, the Electronics business performed very well, primarily due to the performance of digital products and semiconductors. The Game business posted a loss, which was chiefly a reflection of start-up expenses for the PlayStation 2 format. As a result, consolidated operating income increased only 1% compared with the previous year. However, exclud ing the impact of the stronger yen, on a local currency basis consolidated operating income increased 47%. Share of sales and operating revenue by business segment * Year ended March 31, 2005 All eyes are on Sony or, more likely, on its high profit PlayStation home video game systems. PlayStation 2 dominates the "game console market" with about 70% of global sales (Nintendo's GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox control about 15% each). Sony, one of the world's top consumer electronics firms, also makes a host of other products, including PCs, digital cameras, Walkman stereos, and semiconductors; these products account for more than 60% of the company's sales. Sony's entertainment assets include recorded music and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Information Systems Security Survey Essay Example for Free
Information Systems Security Survey Essay The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) is an institution that was built back in the 19th century. UNMC’s mission is to improve the health of Nebraska through premier educational programs, innovative research, the highest quality patient care, and outreach to underserved populations (UNMC, 2004). As an institution with key interest to privacy of its students, staff and subordinate staff, UNMC has adopted various policy guidelines to ensure information security system. The Information Security Management Plan (ISMP) describes its safeguards to protect confidential information. These safeguards are meant among another reason to: Ensure the confidentiality of data Ensure the integrity of data Ensure the availability of data Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of the information UNMC has adopted information security industry best practices to implement its information security system (UNMC, 2014). They have become so effective that during 2011, a Hitrust Gap assessment was performed, and no significant gaps were found within its security program. The worksheet below outlines how these programs have been rolled out by different offices in the university. Worksheet: Information Security Program Survey Security Area Responsible Party / Office of Primary Responsibility Known Vulnerabilities / Risks Countermeasures / Risk Mitigation Strategy Acquisition (systems/services) Information Security Office Breach of the confidentiality clause All service providers must undergo an evaluation process to verify they are qualified. Contracts have a confidentiality clause whose breach terminates the contract. Asset management System Administrator Poor asset management Proper policies and procedure in place to ensure effective asset management. Evaluation to ascertain the qualifications of asset managers. Audit and accountability Information Security Office Dishonest employees disclosing confidential information to third parties Every application contains a log that must be maintained to meet regulatory requirement. There is Information security Incident Response plan to handle any notable strange events. Authentication and authorization System Administrator Covered data may be transferred to third parties without authorization Employees are provided with user name and password to access the data. Employees are trained on developing a secure password. There are control policies in place governing access to this information. Business continuity Information Security Office Non-coordination and miscommunication between employees All employees are supposed to keep contact information of co-workers and supervisors to seek for help in case of any emergency. Compliance management Compliance Officer the Information Security Officer Employees failure to comply with the set guidelines, policies and procedure There is a compliance form that is filled before a major project is undertaken by the enterprise. The form is to ensure that no new risk is introduced to the enterprise. Configuration control System Administrator Compromised system security Every configuration must have a password. Each password must have at least ten characters. The password must be encrypted at all times. Data System Administrator Data may be intercepted during transmission Database with security keys is available to authorized employees only. Access to classified data is allowed to limited employees. Information security plan ensures security of covered data. Hardware System Administrator Destruction of hardware in disaster Only employees with technical know-how of operating hardware are allowed to use them. The hardware are encrypted for security purposes. Hardware backup system. Identity management Information Security Office Unauthorized covered data and information transfer through third parties Identity Management Program (IDM) outlines procedure for issuing credentials based on the NIST guidance. Checks are done on employees prior to their employment. Incident management Command Centre Incident Response Team Physical loss of data in a disaster An Incident Reporting and Response Plan is in place to report and respond to any identified risk. Availability of a well-trained incident response team. Command Centre is established to manage emergency. Maintenance procedures Change Advisory Board (CAB) Existing patches within the security system A release process is in place to ensure that the changes do not affect non-primary system. Patching policies for workstations to ensure security. Media protection and destruction Information Security Office Unauthorized access covered data as well as information Data storage policies define how data stored in the media is to be protected. Data is only stored in a secured data centre or encrypted medium. Network System Administrator Unauthorized access to the network Network traffic is controlled by Cisco enterprise-class firewall where inbound connects are only allowed to DMZ. Internal trusted network is provided via an encrypted VPN tunnel. Technical perimeter is established to bar direct access from the internet to the Internal Trusted Area. Planning Information Security Office Poor planning that compromise management of the security system Contingency plan is in place to handle any eventuality. Employees are encouraged to store data on network file servers for backup. All backups are surely stored and marked for easy identification during emergencies. Personnel System Administrator Loss of data integrity Employees are only employed after exhibiting minimum security requirement. Information Security Addendum are to be signed for confidentiality purposes. An insider who ensures that all legal requirements are followed before access is granted must accompany outsiders accessing information. Physical environment System Administrator Physical safety of the environment may be compromised through attacks and burglary No unauthorized personal is allowed within the data centre premises. The data centers are controlled by keycard access. Policy Information Security Plan Coordinator Policies may be misinterpreted by the employee The University’s security policy is enshrined in the Privacy, Confidentiality and Security of Patient Proprietary Information Policy and the Computer Use and Electronic Information Security Policy. The two policies require that authorized people can only access this information. The policies are reviewed every two years to make them in tandem with the prevailing circumstances. Operations The Information Security Officer and the Infrastructure Team Failure for operations to comply with the system security policy An operation must fill a compliance Checklist or a Security Risk Assessment form for review to verify that no new risk is introduced to the enterprise. Outsourcing System Administrator Unauthorized disclosure of security information by third parties Outsourced vendors must comply with UNMC Policy No. 8009, Contract Policy. Vendors accessing classified student information must sign the GLB Act contract addendum. Risk assessments Information Custodian Poor method of risk assessment that may downplay the actual impact of a risk Security assessment I conducted annually. All applications must meet the organizations security policies and procedure. Software System Administrator Software may be infected with a virus Software should not be installed unless the user trusts it. Vendor update and patches must be installed unless directed otherwise. Software license must be retained to get technical assistance. Training System Administrators and Information Custodians Misuse of security system Loss of data integrity Employees are trained on information security system before they are employed. System administrators and information custodians are annually trained on Specific Information Security Policy and Procedure. References UNMC. (March 2014) Strategic Plan 2010-2013. Retrieved from United States Government Accountability Office. (February 2010). ELECTRONIC PERSONAL HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE: Health Care Entities Reported Disclosure Practices and Effects on Quality of Care. Retrieved from UNMC. (February 9, 2004). Information Security Plan. Retrieved from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Boundaries of the I-Function in Twins :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Boundaries of the I-Function in Twins Identical, conjoined, and half-twins are all examples of intrinsic variability in humans. Intrinsic variability exists in all animals and is an adaptive mechanism built into the nervous system in response to input. This mechanism allows humans to distinguish the same inputs as different from one another and therefore, the possible outputs vary with time. It is possible that due to identical genetic input, the twins could share identical neural pathways and identical I-Functions. This hypothesis could explain the identical behaviors and inter-connectedness of feelings and thoughts that twins share. Differences that are seen in twin behaviors could simply be due to intrinsic variability causing differing output or behaviors. During ovulation, when a woman releases an ovum, three different processes can occur. First, the ovum can remain in one piece all the way to the uterus where, if not fertilized, it will be shed out of the body along with the unused endometrium. Second, the ovum, if fertilized, can develop into a single embryo, which is the most common type of pregnancy in humans with about 99% of all births being singletons (1). Finally, the ovum can split into two separate halves resulting in genetically identical twins. The three types of twins previously mentioned are identical, which are created when the fertilized ovum separates into two complete, identical parts, conjoined, which occur as a result of a fertilized ovum not completing the equal separation resulting in two fetuses fused together in some way, and half-twins or polar body twins, which are made when an unfertilized ovum splits into two complete, identical parts and is then fertilized by two different sperm. The frequency of identical twins is 3.5 per 100 births (1) and the frequency of conjoined twins is 1 birth per 50,000 with only 100 known cases surviving their first year (5). There is no scientific explanation for why an ovum splits into two or more parts. It has been observed that ovum splitting can be hereditary but can also occur spontaneously. This spontaneity or unexplained divergence from normal egg growth and fertilization could be due to intrinsic variability. This intrinsic variability could also be connected to certain differences in behavior of two genetically and culturally identical twins. Ideally, one could say that twins with identical genetic information and environments would have extremely similar, if not the same neural pathways and central pattern generators (CPGs).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Review Employees Files
Learning Team: Review Employees Files Shemika Williams, Maria Rios, Juakita Little, Yanelys Bobey HCS/341 October 8, 2012 Denise R. Holcomb Learning Team: Review Employees Files Bennie Bellamy: Had first occurrence of not taking patient’s vital signs on January 14thand 18th; then again on February 3rd and 6th. Bennie was talked to about this to see why he was not getting them and he stated that he did not have time. He had a year evaluation on May 20, 2003, in this he was rated a 1 for not following directions.The following year May 21, 2004 Bennie had improved tremendously and got all 2’s on his yearly review and got a 3% raise versus the 2% he got the year before. And in the 3rd year May 20, 2005 he was still improving, so after the incidents in 2003 Bennie made great improvement after being reprimanded for not taking vitals and he has not had a problem since. On February 7, 1997 King Lovell put in an application to work at Patton – Fuller Community Hospital. O n February 20, 1997, King Lovell received a letter from Patton – Fuller Community Hospital offering the RN Staff Nurse position.King official start date was March 17, 1997. King Lovell received his annual employee evaluation in 1998 by the RN Staff Nurse. In his general evaluation different job specifics were evaluated. King in 12 different occasions was late and his dependability was unacceptable. For the first evaluation, King was informed to enroll in documentation classes that were going to start within that month due to needing some work. Another occasion there were two occasion were the wrong patient almost received wrong medicine.Due to that incident, King was instructed to take a refresher course on medication administration that was being offered in July. On August 12, 1998, King Lovell had a corrective action form by human resource personnel. This was the first conference, King was continuing to be late to work, violating the attendance policy, receiving complaints about rude behavior towards the doctor, failed to sign, and continuing to have medication errors and not helping other co-workers. King Lovell received to verbal warnings on July 10 and August 2 but the problem is still occurring.King was informed by management of the following: It is expected that you will be to work on time. It is expected that you will show courtesy to staff, physicians, patients and their families, rudeness will not be tolerated. It is expected that you will complete all entries in the patient’s record and that you will properly sign all notations at least once on each shift. King received another annual evaluation in 1999, where his attendance, attitude, and dependability were still lacking.Due to lack of improvement over the last year’s evaluation, he was terminated. The files show due diligence was followed and given in different occasion by informing King Lovell to take additional classes to improve his job performance and was also given verbal warnings to improve, but the employee failed to show improvement and continued to lack. On March 10, 2007 Louise McFate applied for the position of Director of Infection Control at Patton-Fuller Community Hospital.On May 9, 2007 Louise McFate received a hire Letter from PFCH offering her the position of Director of Infection Control with an official start date of July 11, 2007. On October 12, 2007, Louise McFate received her 90 day evaluation and received a rating of 2. 0 (Acceptable) in all areas. On January 14, 2008, McFate received her 6 months evaluation and again received a rating of 2. 0 in all areas. On July 14, 2008 McFate received her first annual review and received an improved overall score of 2. 17.Unfortunately, on November 7, 2008 Louise McFate received a corrective action form stating that the Joint Commission issued a Request for Improvement on a needle disposal violation found during their visit. Although this is McFate’s first and only corrective action they did advise her to continue to establish procedures to prevent any further needle disposal violations. Louise McFate did not sign this corrective action form because she did not agree with it and believes she was singled out unfairly because Mr.Adair from the joint Commission targeted her in retaliation after she declined a dinner invitation from him. This does require investigation from the organization to determine if indeed there was a violation made or if in fact it was in retaliation towards McFate. In the meanwhile, McFate needs to keep on her toes because this still goes in her file and there may not be a way to prove it. According to McFate there is no need for due diligence and they haven’t followed up with her progress or had any other incidents following this one.On March 15, 1995 Alva Branham filled out an application for a Security Officer position for Patton-Fuller C ommunity Hospital. Five days later, on March 20, 1995, Branham received a hire letter from Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. Branham official start date would be on April 3, 1995 as followed with orientation dates. Branham annual employee evaluation came up on April 9, 1996 by the Manager of Security. Over the years Branham annual employee evaluation scores has become decreased in some employee evaluations.On one of Branham employee evaluations, it was commented by the Manager that Branham has misplaced company radios and also not being available for central control or other staff to get up with you especially in an emergency. Branham has also been missing 15 days of work over the past 8 ? months which is unacceptable and in violation of the attendance policy. On January 4, 1998, Branham had her first conference with the human resource department to go over the corrective action form.Branham had her second conference of corrective action on February 20, 1998 which stated she didnâ⠂¬â„¢t use proper policy and procedures of logging patient items when a patient is discharged from the hospital. Branham was then notified again about all policy and procedures. After the last issue, Branham was then warned that if another occurrence happens within the next 3 months that further corrective action will be taken and lastly even termination. Reference University of Phoenix. (2011). Patton- Fuller Community Hospital Virtual Organization. Retrieved from: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Causes and Effects of Alcohol Abuse Essay
Alcoholism is the excessive and usually uncontrollable use of alcoholic drinks. There are many symptoms, complications, treatments and ways of prevention for alcoholism. Certain groups of people may be at a greater risk than others for several different reasons. There are numerous factors in why people may become addicted. Usually, a variety of factors contribute to the development of alcoholism. Social factors such as the influence of peers, family, society, the availability of alcohol, mental illness, stress, and not knowing how to cope with certain situations. It’s a common thing for an alcoholic to think drinking is the answer to all their problems, but in retrospect drinking is only adding to the multiple complications caused by being a compulsive drinker. Research has been done to explore the reason behind why people drink. However, â€Å"Exactly how alcohol affects the brain and the likelihood of reversing the impact of heavy drinking on the brain remain hot topics in alcohol research today. †(NIAAA) The effects of alcoholism have been divided into groups. There are physical effects, psychological effects and effects that contribute to many other health, safety, social and econimical problems. Some physical effects of excessively drinking alcohol can be extremely serious, or even fatal. One physical effect of alcoholism is causing cancer in the liver, kidney and stomach. Alcohol abuse is the leading factor to developing Cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol related Cirrhosis usually develops after more then almost a decade of heavy drinking, but for some it may develop quicker; all depending on how your body reacts to alcohol. â€Å"In cirrhosis of the liver, scar tissue replaces normal, healthy tissue, blocking the flow of blood through the organ and preventing it from working as it should. Cirrhosis is the twelfth leading cause of death by disease, killing about 26,000 people each year. †Another physical effect of alcoholism is the altering of nutrients digestions which your body needs in order to remain healthy. Another physical damage that alcohol abuse brings is damaging of the neurons and thereby causing body movement alterations, depression and loss of appetite. Since drinking too much alcohol can raise some fats in the blood, that means it can also lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, and increased calorie intake which could lead to the development of diabetes. Liver diseases and illnesses aren’t the only complications of long term alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can also lead to birth defects. The most sever cases of birth defects are Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopment Disorder. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is what can happen when a woman drinks an excessive amount of alcohol during the pregnancy. It’s been estimated that one in every seven hundred and fifty infants is born with a patterns of physical, developmental, and functional problems referring to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Some symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may include premature birth weight, developmental delay, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems. Alcoholism also causes psychological effects as it changes your normal behavior and this is when you feel anxious and become depressed. Other psychological effects of alcoholism include violence, suicide, family and legal problems. Alcohol abuse can also cause economic effects. This is because getting an alcoholic drink is not cheap. If you drink several drinks on a daily basis you will definitely notice that you are spending a lot of money that can be used for other important stuff. An alarming amount of accidents, crimes and suicides, are the result of alcohol abuse by one or more family members. The latest death statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), In the United States, in 2010, more than 10,000 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. That is equivalent to one every 51 minutes. Alcohol-impaired motor vehicle crashes cost more than an estimated $37 billion annually. These statistics are avoidable by not abusing alcohol or drinking in an environment that puts others at risk of becoming a statistic. Alcoholism is just as damaging to family members as it is to the alcoholic. Adult Children of Alcoholics often are in denial that their problems come from there parents or parent being an alcoholic. Many of them have severe problems with depression, aggression, or impulsive behavior. Most children of alcoholics make poor career choices and aren’t capable of being responsible parents, because they weren’t raised correctly themselves. Due to the large amount of money spent on alcohol and also possible joblessness the family may have to give up certain privileges that a non-alcoholic family wouldn’t. Being an alcoholic can totally disrupt family life and cause harmful effects that can last a lifetime. Thousands of alcoholics are helped to stop drinking every year. The chances of recovery are good if alcohol abuse or alcoholism is treated in its early or middle stages. Unfortunately, most alcoholics do not receive treatment therefore; over 90 percent of them will die as a result of their alcoholism. On the more positive side about 700,000 Americans receive alcoholism treatment on any given day. However, the techniques of alcoholism therapy only work if the patient is ready to seek help. One of the most traditional ways for an alcoholic to seek treatment is through the Alcoholic Anonymous 12 step program. Other then AA, there are many different programs available to help a person trying to seek recovery. Alcoholism is a disease that could consume ones life, but with support and treatment, many individuals are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives. Work Cited Page â€Å"National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism†. 2007. NIAAA. July. 2007 Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/? expert=Susan_B_Ward http://www. nhtsa. gov/Impaired.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Nuclear Isomer Definition and Examples
Nuclear Isomer Definition and Examples Nuclear Isomer Definition Nuclear isomers are atoms with the same mass number and atomic number, but with different states of excitation in the atomic nucleus. The higher or more excited state is called a metastable state, while the stable, unexcited state is called the ground state. How They Work Most people are aware electrons can change energy levels and be found in excited states. An analogous process occurs in the atomic nucleus when protons or neutrons (the nucleons) become excited. The excited nucleon occupies a higher energy nuclear orbital. Most of the time, the excited nucleons return immediately to the ground state, but if the excited state has a half-life longer than 100 to 1000 times that of normal excited states, it is considered a metastable state. In other words, the half-life of an excited state is usually on the order of 10-12 seconds, while a metastable state has a half-life of 10-9 seconds or longer. Some sources define a metastable state as having a half-life greater than 5 x 10-9 seconds to avoid confusion with the half-life of gamma emission. While most metastable states decay quickly, some last for minutes, hours, years, or much longer. The reason metastable states form is because a larger nuclear spin change is needed in order for them to return to the ground state. High spin change makes the decays forbidden transitions and delays them. Decay half-life is also affected by how much decay energy is available. Most nuclear isomers return to the ground state via gamma decay. Sometimes gamma decay from a metastable state is named isomeric transition, but its essentially the same as normal short-lived gamma decay. In contrast, most excited atomic states (electrons) return to the ground state via fluorescence. Another way metastable isomers can decay is by internal conversion. In internal conversion, the energy that is released by the decay accelerates an inner electron, causing it to exit the atom with considerable energy and speed. Other decay modes exist for highly unstable nuclear isomers. Metastable and Ground State Notation The ground state is indicated using the symbol g (when any notation is used). The excited states are denoted using the symbols m, n, o, etc. The first metastable state is indicated by the letter m. If a specific isotope has multiple metastable states, the isomers are designated m1, m2, m3, etc. The designation is listed after the mass number (e.g., cobalt 58m or 58m27Co, hafnium-178m2 or 178m272Hf). The symbol sf may be added to indicate isomers capable of spontaneous fission. This symbol is used in the Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart. Metastable State Examples Otto Hahn discovered the first nuclear isomer in 1921. This was Pa-234m, which decays in Pa-234. The longest-lived metastable state is that of 180m73 Ta. This metastable state of tantalum has not been seen to decay and appears to last at least 1015 years (longer than the age of the universe). Because the metastable state endures so long, the nuclear isomer is essentially stable. Tantalum-180m is found in nature at an abundance of about 1 per 8300 atoms. Its thought perhaps the nuclear isomer was made in supernovae. How They Are Made Metastable nuclear isomers occur via nuclear reactions and can be produced using nuclear fusion. They occur both naturally and artificially. Fission Isomers and Shape Isomers A specific type of nuclear isomer is the fission isomer or shape isomer. Fission isomers are indicated using either a postscript or superscript f instead of m (e.g., plutonium-240f or 240f94Pu). The term shape isomer refers to the shape of the atomic nucleus. While the atomic nucleus tends to be depicted as a sphere, some nuclei, such as those of most actinides, are prolate spheres (football-shaped). Because of quantum mechanical effects, de-excitation of excited states to the ground state is hindered, so the excited states tend to undergo spontaneous fission or else return to the ground state with a half-life of nanoseconds or microseconds. The protons and neutrons of a shape isomer may be even further from a spherical distribution than the nucleons on the ground state. Uses of Nuclear Isomers Nuclear isomers may be used as gamma sources for medical procedures, nuclear batteries, for research into gamma ray stimulated emission, and for gamma ray lasers.
Monday, November 4, 2019
BP Oil and Gas Industry
The BP or Deepwater Horizon oil spill is considered as the biggest oil spill in the entire history of United Kingdom. The explosion of Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico severely injured and destroyed the lives of several people. Furthermore, because of the explosion, the fire burnt for over one and a half days, thereby creating havoc and leading to mass destruction all around. Not only the businesses located in the Gulf region but also the tourism and fishing industries were badly affected because of the spill. panies associated with this spill faced various problems as they were under an obligation to not only clear the spill but also pensate the ones affected due to it. In order to initiate relief proceedings, an attorney group was found and BP had to encounter various lawsuits because the impact of the spill was disastrous as it spread over 490 miles, thereby affecting many states including Florida, Mississippi, etc. Since BP was the key player in the Macondo Project, the co nsequences encountered by it were pletely legitimate and accurate because panies that put the environment at stake owes a non-delegable responsibility in the form of such consequences (Chevron Corporation, 2013). Going by the impacts and the overall assessment it will be clear that BP flouted the and hence the fines and penalties were legitimate. Since BP played the key role in creating such havoc and destruction through the spill, it had to encounter such problems in the form of lawsuits and pensation. In the initial segments, BP will be taken into consideration and thereafter the environment in which the pany operates will be considered. Furthermore, the vigor of the spill will also be given due importance in order to understand the financial entanglements, lawsuits, and other problems encountered by BP (CBS Chicago, 2013). Moreover, this research also aims to advocate about the financial impacts faced by BP after the oil spill. Hence, this research is very significant, as the deficiencies possessed by the oil panies can be known and panies like BP might remain cautious in future. British Petroleum, a leading international producer of gas has many histories of gross misconduct in its operations since 1995. In relation to the oil spill, it is notable that it was not only the biggest but also the most disastrous in the entire history of UK. This makes it clear that BP’s misconduct was highly punishable by law because the businesses, individuals, marine habitats, etc were all badly affected by the Gulf of Mexico. Moreover, Tony Hayward, Chief Executive of BP agreed to all these damages and claims, as it had no other option (BP Plc, 2014). Since the effects of the spill were massive and widespread, spill cleaning was the prime responsibility of BP. Therefore, the pany took several steps to clean the spill and for this operation, it directed a fleet of vessels and arranged various tools that could assist the vessels in collecting the oil floating in water (Jacobson, 2013). Approximately 5000 vessels and ninety thousand people were directed to plete this process efficiently. Furthermore, BP had to incur around $14 million for this operation and after pletion of this process; around 827,046 barrels of oil were collected (Channel News Asia, 2017). As per the survey, out of 4300 miles of shoreline, around 635 miles required manual oil cleaning procedures. Taking all these impacts in due consideration, these consequences were appropriate for the pany. Since BP was the main player in the oil spill, it was under a non-delegable responsibility to take corrective actions, whether the consequences are high or not. Hence, it decided to take various actions in order to restore the Gulf of Mexico and other affected states. These actions prise of cleaning, research, pensation, etc that required millions of dollars (Mason, 2010). In relation to this, approximately $37.2 billion was kept aside by BP in order to manage all the expenses associated with the disaster (Fodor & Stowe, 2010). An oil spill trust was also introduced in association with this matter and it cost a whopping amount of $20 billion to the pany (BP Plc, 2012). In addition, BP also undertook a responsibility to pay $1.25 billion as additional payments every quarter until 2013. These figures depict that BP had to expand heavily in the restoration process but taking the impacts in due consideration, this had to be done. In order to evaluate the environmental impact of the oil spill, BP coordinated and worked with various state and federal bodies. Furthermore, an NRD (Natural Resource Damages) was also initiated in this regard so that the magnitude of damages can be determined and thereafter, proper corrective actions can be decided for the same. In these activities, BP incurred more than $600 million that is a huge expense. In addition to this, BP arranged to undertake many observational surveys to ascertain the impact of the spill on wildlife habitats. Efficient steps were thereafter taken in order to safeguard and relocate the sea turtles by creating special rehabilitation centers for these creatures (Broder & Krauss, 2011). BP also offered a whopping amount of $22 million to the national wildlife and fish foundation. In addition, the pany also incurred more than $500 million over the period of ten years to create an unbiased research program for lessening the impact of the spill. Since several other states were also affected by the spill, BP had assured payments of $87 million to these states in order to safeguard the tourism industry from the disastrous influence of the spill. In addition, BP also arranged to extend $92 million in the year 2011 for the period of three years wherein $63.5 million was provided in 2011 itself and the remaining amounts in 2012 and 2013 respectively. The pany also made proper arrangements in order to examine the seafood industry over the entire region of Gulf of Mexico (Broder, 2012). In relation to this, BP had expended more than $9.3 million for examination of seafood in the year 2011 and an additional $24.2 million in the year 2012. Furthermore, BP also expended an additional $7.1 million for seafood marketing in the year 2011. Hence, taking all these in due consideration, it can be said that the pany had to encounter huge obligations but in lieu of the disastrous impacts on businesses, habitats, individuals, etc, these conseq uences are appropriately fair and accurate (Broder, 2012). In the United States, there was a lack of effective and thorough policy especially in the hands of the officialdom. Therefore, it was certain that the policy to stabilize the peting interests to determine the attainment and utilization of energy were missing. Moreover, since the oil spill came out to be the biggest disaster, this clearly highlights the inefficiency of the regulatory authorities on their part. Furthermore, this also signifies that the failure of regulatory framework was not only attributable to the regulatory authorities, but also to the environmental laws on a whole. Hence, it was evident that the regulatory authorities and the legal system failed to function effectively, thereby leading to such a massive disaster and affecting millions of diversities and people. According to several investigations, it came out that the presence of powerful and efficient statutory policies could have assisted in safeguarding from such a disaster. Hence, this also portrays a misbalance in the theory of public interest and notion of effective corporate governance and ethics. Furthermore, in relation to the theory of public interest, if the markets were left to operate on their own, then they would behave indifferently since they are delicate in nature (Jefferson & Bowling, 2011). However, the oil spill still occurred even in the prevalence of proper control by the statutory authorities. This depicts a failure and inefficiency on the part of authorities. It is the prime responsibility of the regulators to act in an efficient manner so that the public interests are not taken for granted and proper assistance is provided to them. Furthermore, contingencies are uncertain and the regulators must make proper ways and create backup strategies in order to be prepared for such situations. However, this failed to happen in the case of BP oil spill that clearly sheds light on their inefficiencies, thereby leading to a massive havoc. Because of such a massive disaster, ways were planted for several new procedures and plans. The oil spill incident came out to be one of the biggest mistakes on the part of BP, thereby leading towards the destruction of businesses, wildlife habitats, and the environment as a whole. Investigations carried out after the disaster sheds light on the urgent requirement of effective corporate governance in panies (Cleveland, 2010). It was also notable that BP did not pensate in full for the damages occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and other states. If the investigation were not conducted, the pany would not have e forward in order to accept their grave mistake. Moreover, the pany was fined a whopping amount of $4 billion that is not a heavy amount when pared to their never-ending profits of more than $11 billion. The closing share price of BP as on 19 April 2010 reported at $59.48 whereas its market capitalization reported at $186.20 billion. It is notable that on the day of occurrence of the oil spill, BP’s stock price depicted an upward trend rising from $59.48 to $60.48 (Booz & Hamilton, 2010). This came out to be a shock even after the massive impact of the oil spill. However, after nine days, the stock price started falling down and reported at $54.7, which is a massive decline of 8.3%. Since this day, the stock prices continued to decline and reported at $27.02, which is a decline of 54.6% since 19 April. Moreover, in terms of market capitalization, this decline portrayed a massive loss of $101.59 billion (CBS Chicago, 2013). The above report gives a strong emphasis on the oil spill and it is clear from the discussion and argument that there BP flouted laws and made grave mistakes. The result gives a glaring response that there must be stringent policies on the oil panies so that any law is not broken. Further, the oil, as well as gas panies must chalk out emergency plans and the offshore operations must be aware of it. There must be a strong hazard program and skills must be updated so that potential liability can be meeting with ease and flexibility. When it es to huge entities like BP it has a strong team that has a strong hold so that any potential liability can be minimized. As a matter of fact, the Oil Spill had a disaster impact on BP and its partner. To make up for the loss, BP sold $30 billion assets for the cleanup, legal claims, etc. This prised 20% of the total assets of the pany and ultimately was followed by a huge set back to the prices of stock. The policies that look after corporation’s liability are noted with precision. However, the stress must now be provided on the part of the corporate social responsibility that will negate the negative impact on the society and create goodwill for the pany. Acts like BP oil spill can be eliminated if the regulator crafts a strong policy and mittee are set up for looking at such situations. Booz, A & Hamilton, A 2010, The Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Market Response - Part One, Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory. Broder, J. M 2012, Ruling Favours Owner of Rig in Gulf Spill, The New York Times, viewed 28 January 2017, https://www.nytimes /2012/01/27/business/energy-environment/transocean-not-liable-for-some-gulf-spill-claims-judge-rules.html. Broder, J. M., & Krauss, C 2011, Regulation of Offshore Rigs Is a Work in Progress, The New York Times, viewed 28 January 2017, https://www.nytimes /2011/04/17/us/politics/17regulate.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 BP Plc 2014, Annual report and accounts 2014, viewed 27 January 2017, https://www.bp /content/dam/bp country/de_de/PDFs/brochures/BP_Annual_Report_and_Form_20F_2014.pdf BP Plc 2012, Annual report and accounts 2014, viewed 27 January 2017, https://www.bp /content/dam/bp/pdf/investors/bp-annual-report-and-form-20f-2012.pdf CBS Chicago 2013, BP Settles Class-Action Lawsuit Over Tainted Gasoline, CBS Chicago, viewed 27 January 2017, https://chicago.cbslocal /2013/08/21/bp-settles-class-action-lawsuit-over-tainted-gasoline/ Channel News Asia 2013, BP says oil spill pensation fund running out, viewed 25 January 2017, &lRequired actiont;https://www.channelnewsasia >. Chevron Corporation 2013, Corporate Responsibility, Chevron, viewed 27 January 2017, https://www.chevron /corporateresponsibility/ Cleveland, C. J 2010, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, viewed 26 January 2017, Cherry, M.A., Sneirson, J.F 2010, ‘Beyond Profit: Rethinking Corporate Social Responsibility and Green washing after the BP Oil Disaster’, Tulane Law Review, vol. 85, no.4, pp. 983-1038 Fodor, A., Stowe, J.D 2010, The BP Oil Disaster: Stock and Option Market Reactions, Working Paper, Ohio University. Jefferson, J., Bowling, N 2011, The Economic and Biological Impacts of The BP Oil Spill, NDS 372.01 Environmental Studies Capstone Seminar. Jacobson, M 2013, By the Numbers: The Oil Spill and BP's Legal Troubles, PBS News Hour, viewed 26 January 2017, Mason, J.R 2010, The Economic Cost of a Moratorium on Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration to the Gulf Region, Working Paper :Louisiana State University. Yahoo 2013, BP plc (BP), Yahoo Finance, viewed 26 January 2017, /q?s=BP.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
OH&S-Incident investigation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
OH&S-Incident investigation - Case Study Example When the accident happened, the company nurse was unable to assist Mike as she had no previous training on forklift accidents. The accident resulted in the death of Mike. A comprehensive workplace safety investigation was then launched. The nurse was interviewed and she admitted that she was unable to render first aid. The warehouse supervisor was interviewed and he had admitted that they were not able to follow the scheduled maintenance of all the forklift trucks due to budgetary constraints. Several forklift operators admitted that there was no journal for recording injuries on the workplace. An interview with the truck operators yielded answers which point to the poor maintenance of the trucks. An interview with the company treasurer revealed that he had not released any budget for the maintenance of the trucks for the same period. The results were disconcerting. More than half of the forklifts, had the same safety switches disconnected, there was no set maintenance schedule, no procedure for reporting defects, no competent adviser on health and safety and no adequate management systems in place. Staff at the depot were encouraged to work as quickly as possible under a "work and finish" regime, which meant once they finished a set work quota, they could go home or move on to a higher rate of pay. But the court was told how the system was "not conducive to good health and safety practice" and left no time for preventive maintenance on the forklift trucks. The only employee at the site who is responsible for health and safety measures was an occupational nurse with no technical knowledge of forklift trucks. STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTION OF WORKPLACE ACCIDENTS There is a need to put into place an Injury Prevention Program with the commitment of top management. The first strategy is to assign responsibilities to specific personnel. There must be a maintenance engineer who will manage the preventive maintenance of all the forklifts in the place. This engineer will schedule regular inspections and evaluation system for the forklift trucks. This is an appropriate action since an added accident report at the company warehouse will merit fines from the Australian government. The company will also spend more money paying hospital costs and insurance expenses to the affected employees. This Injury Prevention Program will only be functional if the top management gives their full support behind it. The second strategy is to have a safety communications system with employees. The company must have a form readily understandable by all affected employees on matters relating to occupational safety and health, including provisions designed to encourage employees to inform the employer of hazards at the worksite without fear of reprisal. This is an effective move since this strategy will pinpoint potential accident hazards in the workplace. The end result will be accident prevention. The third strategy is to establish a system for assuring employee compliance with safe work practices. An important part of the strategy is to outline the procedures for correcting unsafe and unhealthy conditions. This will prevent many hazards from occurring through scheduled and documented self-inspections. An effective hazard control system will result in the identification of several hazards that exist or develop in the
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