Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Case Study on Cultural Differences Essay Example for Free
Contextual analysis on Cultural Differences Essay Social contrasts can present issues for medicinal services laborers. On account of Linda Gorman, she is confronted with the choice to report a lady for youngster misuse, or credit it to social contrasts. The inquiry shouldn’t be whether she should report Mrs. Saeto, yet rather, are Mrs. Saeto’s activities truly considered kid misuse? The response to this can get obfuscated in social convictions. For Americans, her activities qualify as oppressive on the grounds that Mrs. Saeto is pointlessly making hurt infant Marie by consuming her. To the Mien culture, this is only a demonstration of shielding the youngster and restoring her from an illness. It truly relies upon what perspective one ganders at it from. In the Mien culture, rehearses like this consuming custom are ordinary. The Mien culture has confidence in spirits and ceremonies that can fix infirmities. To some outside of the way of life, these practices may appear to be boorish, however to them, some of American practices may appear to be uncouth also. For instance, Linda makes reference to the contrasts between consuming a youngster and causing a kid torment by giving them a shot. Both reason the child to cry, and to the two societies, both are viewed as helping the infant remain solid. To anybody outside of the American culture, American clinical practices can possibly appear to be similarly as savage as consuming a child. This is legitimately identified with social relativity, or â€Å"the see that practices and practices can be passed judgment on just by the social principles of the way of life in which those practices occur,†(Hachen, n. d. ). As indicated by David Hachen, â€Å"rejecting social relativity infers that there are widespread principles by which the practices in all societies can be evaluated,†(Hachen, n. . ). On the off chance that Linda accept that Mrs. Saeto’s convictions are brutal and ought to be accounted for, she is rehearsing ethnocentrism, or â€Å"the see that one’s own way of life is the predominant culture and accordingly its norms are the ‘universal’ ones that ought to be utilized to pass judgment on practices in all cultures,†(Hachen, n. d. ). Linda needs to choose whether her practices and convictions are better than Mrs. Saeto’s, and in this way the standard by which to think about Mrs. Saeto’s activities. Ought to Linda discover Mrs. Saeto’s activities unsuitable in the American culture, by what means would it be a good idea for her to continue? Should she report Mrs. Saeto for kid misuse, or should she stand up to her in the would like to change Mrs. Saeto’s assessments concerning Mien social fixes and clinical practices? On the off chance that Linda chooses to go up against Mrs. Saeto, she ought to presumably disclose to her that in America, the vast majority would think of her as activities harsh to infant Marie and that she ought to most likely not keep on â€Å"cure†her as such. This represents another moral situation. By bestowing this information to Mrs. Saeto, Linda is, it might be said, absorbing Mrs. Saeto to American culture. How far is excessively far? In the event that Mrs. Saeto surrenders this training, and comparative ones, so as to not appear to be injurious to her American friends, what else will she need to surrender from her way of life? Linda’s best choices for taking care of the circumstance are to converse with Mrs. Saeto and attempt to disclose the problem to her. She ought to pass on that she comprehends the social contrasts, yet that if another specialist who doesn't comprehend sees the consumes, it might be confused as kid misuse. She shouldn’t compromise Mrs. Saeto with announcing her, yet ought to rather permit Mrs. Saeto to see the two sides of the story, as Linda is seeing them. Ideally, this will permit Mrs. Saeto to settle on a good choice time permitting, in regards to the practices. Neither one of the sides is correct, nor wrong, for this situation, be that as it may, Mrs. Saeto must be made mindful of the potential risk she could look by proceeding with her Mien rehearses in America, where an inappropriate individual may see and not comprehend and settle on a careless choice that could hurt Mrs. Saeto’s family over the long haul.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Real Estate Investment Trusts :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Land Investment Trusts A land venture trust, or REIT, is an organization that purchases, creates, oversees and sells land resources. There are three kinds of REITs; they are value REITs, contract REITs, and mixture REITs. A value REIT is an organization that buys, claims and oversees land properties; it doesn't possess or begin land advances. It might likewise create properties. A home loan REIT is a partnership that buys, claims and oversees land credits; it doesn't possess land properties. It might possibly begin business and additionally private credits. A cross breed REIT is an enterprise that buys, claims and oversees both land advances and land properties. It has the characteristics of both a value and home loan REIT which is the reason it is alluded to as a half breed. One of the most distinctive attributes of a REIT is that they are required to circulate at any rate 95% of available salary to investors. REITs permit members to put resources into an expertly overseen arrangement of land resources. T his is significant in light of the fact that preceding Congress' making of REITs just amazingly rich people had the option to profit by adventures in the land showcase. By pooling resources together in a way like that of a common store, REITs permit the ordinary speculator the opportunity to put resources into land properties. The primary advantage of a REIT is that it is absolved from twofold tax collection. The ordinary organization is burdened on profit, and afterward when profits are paid, the individual accepting the profit is burdened. REITs can deduct profits disseminated from available pay. This outcomes in just one degree of tax collection. The principle drawback of a REIT is that since almost all income are appropriated as profits, the trust must discover cash-flow to reinvest into the business from different territories. These assets are normally brought by ventures up in the market, and through the capital increases acknowledged from the offer of the REITs resources. The second strategy by which REITs obtain money to reinvest into the business raises a bookkeeping issue with respect to the arrangement of advantages. Presently, the structures and property that REITs use to raise pay are named property, plant, and gear. Nonetheless, it very well may be contended that these benefits ought to be delegated stock. The bookkeeping meaning of property, plant, and hardware determines those properties of a strong sort utilized in the normal tasks of the business.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Riot Recommendation Funny Family Memoirs
Riot Recommendation Funny Family Memoirs This round of Riot Recommendation is sponsored by Biographile. Love true stories about fascinating people? So do the folks at Biographile, a website dedicated to helping readers discover a rich mix of real lives through author interviews, news updates, reviews, essays, contests, and more. One of their latest QAs is an exclusive interview with the hilarious comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan, whose explosively funny memoir recounting the joys and horrors of raising five kids (in a two-bedroom apartment) is just out from Crown. _________________________ Family life is funny. It just is. And it doesnt matter if youre from a fun family, or one that puts the fun in dysfunctional. Youve got stories. The only thing better than laughing til you cry while you recount your own ridiculous family moments is reading about someone elses. So today we want to know: what are your favorite side-splitting family memoirs? Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Europeans Saw The Tribal Lifestyles - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 979 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Slavery Essay Did you like this example? Europeans saw the tribal lifestyles lived by the Africans in the 16th century. Regardless of the criticisms of Europeans toward the African civilization, Africans were already established as much as Europeans were. Most African villages were under a communal system in which everyone was under the impression that they shared their personal belongings and possessions with one another. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Europeans Saw The Tribal Lifestyles" essay for you Create order Moreover, European travelers observed the existing social hierarchy, religious and cultural practices, as well as slavery in African communities. The idea of an established slave system in Africa was used by Europeans against the worlds accusation for instigating the atrocious slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean. However, Slavery in Africa differed in the colonies in that African slaves in their home country were treated humanely and were given rights. Even so, the Europeans saw the Africans as perfect fit to enslave in the colonies which then led to the destruction, oppression, and extermination of African slaves. The colonists who established early settlements in the mid-Atlantic colonies attempted to impose forced labor on the Native Americans in the same manner Christopher Columbus had successfully done. However, the Natives were known to have a depleting population due to the diseases they developed and the harsh maltreatments they faced under the Spanish colonists. Most of them were also familiar to their own land, allowing them to easily escape when captured. Ultimately, they were willing to revolt against those who threatened their freedom and stability. For these reasons, the colonists were discouraged and sought for an alternative. To the colonists, the Africans were better to enslave because they did not know the settlements in the colonies and they were randomly chosen from one tribe to another. As a result, Africans struggled to communicate with one another. Eventually, Africans were torn away from their homes and a community of slaves in the colonies emerged as these trips proceeded, creating a bond of broken people who may have forgotten what their lives were like before they were taken as captives. Because of this, the colonists withheld more profits than they should have due to the large imports and cheaper exports of African slaves. Shipped in large numbers, the slaves soon occupied most of the southern colonies due to the high demands for labor in large farming communities, and where they eventually became substitutes for white indentured labor shortages in the northern colonies. Slavery began the moment Africans were torn away from their homes. Chained by slave dealers, sometimes one of their own, they were en route to the Americas in crowded ships in what was often called the Middle Passage. The slaves were shackled for the full duration of the voyage and were tightly packed in the ships deck; they were positioned in the ship where no one single person could move. During the six to thirteen weeks of the passage, Africans experienced seasickness, were exposed to heat and diseases since they were packed altogether and died out of hunger and thirst. While some slaves formed insurrections or revolts against the slave dealers, many of them committed suicide by jumping overboard. For most of them, it was easier to take away their own lives rather than to suffer for weeks in the Middle Passage and for years in the colonies. Although many of the slaves died during the Middle Passage, the traders and slave owners still managed to double their profits and repeated th e same process of collecting as many slaves in one trip. The doubled profits resulted to high and competing exports of slaves among the colonies but in turn took the lives and freedom of African Americans. The slaves who survived the Middle Passage were either transported to the Chesapeake and Southern colonies to work in plantations or used as substitutes for domestic labor in the English colonies. African American women were often chosen and purchased as domestic slaves. These slaves were tasked to do household chores including cleaning, laundry, and taking care of the children. Their masters had no choice but to live under the same roof as their slaves. In exchange for a shelter to live in, domestic slaves were often sexually harassed by their male masters; no law prohibited the wrongdoings of slave owners toward their slaves. Most white slave owners harmed their slaves if they were to disobey their commands. Slaves in the plantations faced worst circumstances. Plantation owners enforced them to work for ten hours under the searing heat without food to eat or water to drink. For instance, in South Carolina the slaves planted and harvested in rice plantations which were usually positioned in inland swamps, forcing them to work with damp and dirty clothing. In the sugar plantations, many slaves lost their arms, fingers, or hands due to the dangerous grinding mills which they used to crush sugar canes after their harvest. Others suffered from burns due to the continuous process of boiling juice from crushed canes to create sugar and molasses. More importantly, slaves who slowed down their work were whipped, scarred, or mutilated. Likewise, runaway slaves were branded to mark them as rebellious or identify them with their owners. All in all, field and domestic slaves suffered from the tedious work they had to abide by every day. The slavery in the Americas began with the lack of indentured servants and Native Americans and ended with the diminishing population and culture of Africans. Because Africans had less knowledge about the colonies and had subordinate defiance, they were easier to enslave. Few slaves endured the horrid circumstances and mistreatments of their slaveholders from the Middle Passage to the colonies and many of them died out of poor living conditions and harsh treatments on behalf of both traders and owners. Ultimately, the lives of African Americans were exchanged with bountiful profits accumulated by the colonists which then led to growing economies and in demand labor in the colonies.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Importance of Flu Essay Samples
The Importance of Flu Essay Samples There's no limit to how much I've learned from him. It would be imperative to perform further studies to validate the presence of the problem. An individual must also think of the lost time and lost productivity because of individuals having the flu. The deaths connected with influenza posse a significant concern and the greater government expenditure is evident on the way in which the virus has an impacting influence on the population. A Secret Weapon for Flu Essay Samples Getting aware of the way the flu spreads is also a very important facet of the illness. It is really difficult to stop the flu virus. Flu is steadily turning into a critical illness due to ignorance that's displayed by men and women who get affected by it. The flu is a typical sickness around the world. In summary, there are lots of strong differences between Influenza and Cholera. The maturation of the vaccine against Ebola requires quite a while and, as a consequence the scale of Ebola epidemic grows. 1 Two FDA-cleared rapid molecular assays are offered in the United States of america. The virus has developed in recent decades. Debate about the occurrence of man flu has been around for quite a long duration of time. The expression man flu does not have any scientific backing whatsoever. The flu shot is advised for persons from age 6 to 64 years while the nasal spray may be used by persons from 2 to 49 decades. At times, after close personal contact someone who gets bird flu does infect another individual. Flu Essay Samples: No Longer a Mystery For instance, the price of a persuasive essay will differ from a proposal essay. It is crucial to note an argumentative essay and an expository essay could be similar, but they vary greatly concerning the sum of pre-writing and r esearch involved. Persuasive essay topics don't always need to be of a critical nature, you can write about things which are connected in your life. There are several good persuasive essay topics to pick from. Lots of people are worried about the chemicals that help compose them. Hundreds of huge numbers of people suddenly understand that the antibodies they developed are useless. Most individuals are assuming that flu is a mild disease that does not need any medication. Researchers document that walking lowers the degree of blood sugar in the human body and risk of diabetes. Our relationship throughout the last few years has evolved and I appreciate everything that you have done for me. You're letting them know beforehand, so there shouldn't be any difficulties. There isn't enough time for all of the music. There are specific times of the year once the likelihood of folks getting the flu are higher. Everything will get much better. Pros of employing a low-cost essay se rvice Availability Everywhere online, you can get one or other essay services. Obtaining appropriate outcome assists the procedure for searching for evidence. In an exploratory paper, you are requested to look past the obvious answers so as to locate different points of view which can occasionally help in solving the issue. When you're selecting an essay topic, it is necessary to choose one which has lots of information and statistics to strengthen your standpoint, nor exaggerate any info which you've chosen to write about. Provided that you know the subject of importance, a very simple error can be overlooked. An exploratory paper is not uncommon in businesses when they're trying to get a remedy to an issue and will need to receive all of the potential perspectives and data available. Moreover, the writer has once more asked for help in making certain their kid is doing okay. Thus choosing an expert for doing your essays could be the correct choice. As a parent, you may fully anticipate the teachers and faculty to at least keep a watch out for the kid a nd allow you to know whether they see any problems.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why are some parts of China so rich while other parts are so poor Free Essays
In China there are so many places where most people are sleeping in poverty, living on streets and begging for money everyday. But so many people were rich as well, the extremes from rich to poor are in the same country. The main reason for the different economy in China is that the country is communist, under the control of Jiang Zemin. We will write a custom essay sample on Why are some parts of China so rich while other parts are so poor? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Communist means that the country runs by paying each person the same wages even if they are a more authority over people and are higher up the hierarchy. Some families were also very poor because they would have a lot of children, which they could not afford to bring up. There is a lot of poverty in rural areas, whilst many people in cities are getting richer. In China there are around 1. 28 billion people, there are about 14 million unemployed people in urban areas and there are about 120 million in rural areas. This means that something must be wrong about China and why so many people can not get jobs. It is wrong to say that the main cause of the situation of people being so much rich in some areas than in others go back only to 1976. Things like the incident at Tiananmen Square in 1989 where thousands of innocent people died and got mowed down by machine guns. Through this many people were on a hunger strike where many people starved and so people got ill and couldn’t afford medicine and poverty was the inevitable which was the cause of Deng. In China when Mao was emperor he had many ideas and most of them failed or did not help him get out any competition. Some of his ideas were ‘The great leap forward’ and ‘100 hundred flowers campaign. ‘ In ‘the great leap forward’ Mao told the peasants to make steel to make their industry more successful. But this failed because the steel was weak and the crops had been forgotten about and the dry weather made the country have a famine. The ‘100 hundred flowers campaign’ in 1957 was meant to let the peasants have a say in the government and new ideas, Mao said ‘Let a hundred flowers bloom’ which was meant to let new ideas bloom. But this didn’t happen, all that happen was that Mao new who his rivals were put in jail and the campaign ended. After this people where even more afraid of speaking out against Mao, which meant they could not improve their lives. When China was under control of the Emperors there were people called the Mandarins who were the Emperor’s local officers that taxed and tortured people. At this time 80% of people were peasants and they worked very hard and tried to grow rice or millet. Population growth was a problem because in 1750 there were 100 million people and at the end of the 19th century there were 400 million people. This obviously made families poor and not enough food for everyone, which means that poverty and famine became a problem. By 1962, however, Mao began an offensive to purify the party, having grown increasingly uneasy about what he believed were the creeping â€Å"capitalist†and antisocialist tendencies in the country. As a hardened veteran revolutionary who had overcome the severest adversities, Mao continued to believe that the material incentives that had been restored to the peasants and others were corrupting the masses and were counter revolutionary. To arrest the so-called capitalist trend, Mao launched the Socialist Education Movement, in which the primary emphasis was on restoring ideological purity, rein fusing revolutionary further into the party and government bureaucracies, and intensifying class struggle. The Cultural Revolution saw rapid industrial growth mainly because unlike the rural sector after the Great Leap Forward, the urban sector still concentrated upon heavy industries. The Cultural Revolution did have an adverse impact on China’s foreign trade however, as trade was attacked as humiliating to China and as worshipping things foreign. Throughout the period of the Cultural Revolution, China in effect cut off from the rest of the world. However, it still conducted trade relations with other countries it did not recognise, but only on a limited scale and with very little growth. Until 1976, three key elements were central to Mao’s economic policy, these were the collectivisation of land, centralised control over the accumulation and reinvestment of capital, and state ownership of major industries and banks and entailing strict limitations on foreign capital and external economic factors. Land reform was the first step in the collectivisation of rural areas. However, the redistribution of land away from the landlords and rich peasants to smaller private holdings was not as successful as Mao initially hoped. Private farms were not a part of Socialist policy, and new divisions, exploitation and uneven land ownership showed signs of re-emerging. During the 1950s, therefore, collectives were established that enabled Mao to control the means of production even further, and were given quotas to supply the state with a portion of their output at pre-determined prices and also acted as pools of labour that could construct irrigation networks, roads and railway tracks. Collectives also enabled the generation of a gross operating surplus that paid for education and health services. Mao felt that industrialisation was still too slow and in a bid to quicken its pace, collectives were further organised into ‘people’s communes’ under the guise of the ‘great leap forward’ in 1958. Peasants were directed to build roads, dams and other projects relating to improving China’s infrastructure. Millions of ‘backyard furnaces’ appeared, producing mainly low quality pig iron and steel of little use for anything. Cotton was also planted throughout China – at the expense of staple crops – but had little success because of wide climatic variations. This futility came at the expense of agriculture, and resulted in widespread famines and illness. As for the industrial sector, large-scale industrial enterprises were allowed to operate independently from the state for a short period of time after liberation. But from the early 1950s on, the nationalisation of industries commenced China made a rule that every couple could only have one child and this helped the amount of people and helped families with money. One of the short term problems with Deng’s one child policy is the lack of girls. Due to population growth in China, Deng thought up a one child policy, this meant that couples are only allowed to have one child between them. Deng made a graph of the population growth for each family if they had 1, 2 3 or four children. The graph concluded that for China to have plenty of food and wealth families were only allowed to have one child. Families then chose to have baby boys and not girls, reason for this is mainly long term. Boys have been favoured over girls for most of China’s history, so when only one child was allowed per family boys were an obvious choice. But people can’t choose what the sex of their child will be, so why are there so many boys? Is there a drug that stops women from having girls, no the reason is much more sinister. If a baby girl is born they are thrown in with the rubbish or left somewhere to die! This is very brutal but it happens all over China. If a women has two children then there is great punishment, even when she is pregnant, they are forced to have an abortion, then they are sterilized and imprisoned. The harsh punishments given is enough to put anyone off having a second child. In 1974 the article in the ‘People’s Daily’ it tries to encourage modern attitudes â€Å"There is still the attitude that ‘women go home to cook meals, feed the pigs and shut up chickens, while men go home to smoke their pipes and wait for food and drink. ‘ Some even laugh at those males comrades who help their wives with the housework. †When the Chinese people had more than one child it would usually cause money problems because people didn’t have enough money, so this made families poor and so they could not help themselves. With the population getting greater and greater more and more people with no money which made the divide between rich and poor bigger. I think the reason for China being so different in economy is that the country had been so communist for many years that some people did not have good enough paid jobs and with so many children it was hard to pay for everything. The way that so many people did not have work and that China as a country did badly in exporting and importing, this made people have bad pay and long hours. This situation did not just go back from 1976 because of events like in Tiananmen Square. Deng Xioping is not to blame for the problem of poverty because he tried to help the workers by motivating them, but was just discredited by Mao. I think that that the most important person that helped create this problem was Mao because of his ideas and plans that went wrong and that when people tried to speak out and make a point across to him he just put them in jail and murdered them, so the Chinese people could not help themselves from him. How to cite Why are some parts of China so rich while other parts are so poor?, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Nature Of Truth Part 1 Essays - Philosophy, Epistemology
The Nature Of Truth Part 1 The Nature of truth part 1 Rene Descartes, once said, I am, [therefore] I exist. This statement contains the only truth found for certain in our natural experience that, as conscious beings, we exist. Whether we are our own creators, a creation, or the object of evolution, as long as we know that we think, we prove to exist. Descartes claims, But certainly I should exist, if I were to persuade my self of something. Our existence is a truth, and may be the only truth, that we know is certain. Simplicity and Complexity Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:4). This seems to be a very simple scripture talking about simple ideas. Children understand the little things that adults have a tendency to exasperate inherent truths. The Bible shows us that children understand right from wrong without trying to convince everyone that there might be a loop hole. Why is it that adults complicate matters so much? In order for us to understand how the ancient philosophers have gone astray from simple concepts we must take a look at truth and their views on the complex idea. Do we ever come to an understanding of what truth is or is it still out there for people to wonder about? Truth exists and is an absolute. Contrary to the mush-minded meanderings of modern educators, truth is not relative. If my truth differs from your truth that can only be because either one or both of us is unaware of the truth and has call ed something true which is not. Truth must not have the slightest touch of maybe to it. Maybe is dishonesty to truth and if it touches truth, then truth becomes maybe. Truth is more and beyond that which is true. Truth is a concept in philosophy that treats the meaning of true and the criteria by which we judge the truth or falsity in written and spoken statements. For thousands of years, Philosophers have attempted to answer the question What is Truth? Truth is the quality of being true, and anything that is true is a truth, the concept of truth is uncommonly complex and variable. Thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and opinions are said to be true or false. An idea makes a truth claim and is true when the character of what is thought about upholds its claim. Forms of words or statements are also said to be true or false. This can be explained by saying a set of words is true when it expresses a true thought. Truth should be replaced by the facts, reality or the way things are. Truth is ofte n imagined as consisting in a speaker's honesty with respect to what he believes. Mohandas Gandhi spoke of The Absolute Truth, the Eternal Principle, that is God and said, I worship God as Truth only. Jesus said, I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. God is truth and the essence of it. All of his ways are truth and all truth stands or falls as it is measured against Him. If we love truth and seek after it, we cannot help but run into the outstretched arms of God. He wants us to know the truth, which is to know him. God places the truth before us and gives us complete freedom to choose how to respond to the truth. If we turn to God and ask him to instruct us in the truth and to lead us to salvation, we will surely receive that which we ask because our prayer will be in line with God's desire for us. Apart from the confirmed truth that we exist, no other truths are definite, for the fact that subjective truth may be easily contradicted. Everybody has his or her own truth that may be contradicting to another person's. What one person may assume, a dog is a man's best friend, another may think that a dogs is a man's worse enemy. Our judgment of what is true depends on our own experiences, and how things becomes true for us. Every thought, besides the idea that we think,
Friday, March 20, 2020
Midterm Cheat Sheet Essay Example
Midterm Cheat Sheet Essay Example Midterm Cheat Sheet Essay Midterm Cheat Sheet Essay Midterm Cheat Sheet (EDG 701) |Period of |Freud Psychosexual |Erickson | |Life | |Psychosocial (role | | | |of ego/social influ)| |First Year|Oral Stage- oral |Infancy: Trust vs. | | |fixations/gratificat|Mistrust- basic needs| | |ion- mistrust of |met=trust; not | | |others, rejection, |met=mistrust | | |love/fear of | | | |intimate | | |relationships | | |Ages 1-3 |Anal |Early Childhood: | | |Stage- independence, |Autonomy vs | | |personal power, |Shame/Doubt- needs to| | |learn to express |learn how to | | |negative |explore, experiment,| | |feelings- need for |make mistakes; not | | |parental discipline |be dependent | |Ages 3-6 |Phallic |Preschool Age: | | |Stage- unconscious |Initiative vs | |sexual |Guilt- develop a | | |desires- Oedipus |sense of | | |Complex |competence/initiativ| | |(boys)- Electra |e on their own | | |Complex (girls) |(inability active | | | |stance) | |Ages 6-12 |Latency Stage- sexual|School Age: Industry| | |desires replaced by |vs | | |socialization |In feriority- develop | | |desires |gender role | | |identity; understand| | | |the world; | | | |setting/attaining | | | |goals (or | | | |inadequacy) | |Ages 12-18|Genital |Adolscence: Identity| | |Stage- (Phallic |vs Role | | |Stage) Invest sexual|Confusion- est ind | | |energy in socially |identity from | | |acceptable |parents; self, life | |activities |goals, life meaning | | | |(or role confusion) | |Ages 18-35|Genital Stage |Young Adulthood: | | |cont- freedom to love|Intimacy vs | | |and to work and free|Isolation- form | | |from parents |intimate | | | |relationships (or | | | |alienation/isolation| | | |) | |Ages 35-60|Genital Stage |Middle Age: | |continues |Generativity vs | | | |Stagnation- beyond | | | |self fam- help next| | | |generation; | | | |productivity (or | | | |feel of stagnation) | |Ages 60+ |Genital Stage |Later Life: | | |Continues |Integrity vs | | | |Despair- being able | | | |to look back/feel | | |worthwhile (or | | | |despair, resentment,| | | |guilt, | | | |self-rejection) | Psychoanalytic (Sigmund Freud 40s†¦authoritarian/restricted; disorders, fears, phobias; examined his own childhood memories/dreams(dreams (dream work: latent content vs manifest content), slips of tongue, free association, interpretation of resistance transference) †¦psychodynamic factors unconscious motivated behavior†¦libido (sexual energy; energy in all things- goal gaining pleasure avoiding pain)†¦id (seat of all instincts, unconscious, pleasure principle, illogical; amoral)†¦ego (governs, controls, regulates instincts, conscious, world, reality principle, checks controls id)†¦superego (judicial branch; moral code, presents ideal/perfection, good or bad, right or wrong)- anxiety conflict between the 3†¦reality anxiety=fear of danger from world; neurotic anxiety=fear of doing something that is punishable; moral anxiety=fear of one’s own conscience Defenses: repressioninvoluntary removal of something from consci ousness that later do influence behavior; denialdistorting what the individual thinks, feels, or perceives in a traumatic situation; reaction formationactively expressing the opposite impulse when confronted with the for any impulse; projectionattribute in two others ones own unacceptable desires and impulses; displacement directing energy toward another object or person when the original article person is inaccessible; rationalizationjustifies specific behaviors and it aims to soft in the blow connected with disappointments; sublimationdiverging sexual or aggression energy into other channels; regression going back to an earlier phase of development when there were fewer demands; introjectiontaking in and swallowing without using standards of some others; identificationidentifying the successful causes, organizations, or people in the hope that you will be perceived as worthwhile; compensationmasking perceived weaknesses or developing certain positive traits to make up for limitati ons(goal=†¦cure clients, strengthen ego so behavior more reality based make unconscious conscious; self-awareness, honesty, personal rel, realistic sol to anxiety)†¦blank screen approach (therapists reveal little personally/little reactions=transference of repressed issues with others onto therapist beginning issues to light)†¦listen, learn, interpret†¦intense long (expect psychodynamic therapy)†¦Transference Countertransference=useful in group work†¦Brief Psychodynamic Therapy (BPT) Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (TLDP) Multicultual: Erikson emphasis psychosocial development ppl of color; intense training (personal psychotherapy) exposes therapists own biases and sources of countertransference Shortcomings: costly, long term personality reconstruction (not short term prob solv) , upper middle-class values, ambiguity=lack of direction some cultures; doesn’t address social, cultural, and political factors Analytical Psychology (Carl Jung; combines history, anthropology, mythology, religion†¦midlife crisis)†¦influenced by past future events moving us towards individuation (integration of conscious and unconscious)†¦constructive and destructive (shadow) forces which must accept; collective conscious- past and history of species; persona- mask we wear to protect ourselves, animus/anima- biological psychological parts of M and F, shadow- dark side; unconscious discovery prepares for the near future bring balance between opposites of individual Adlerian Therapy/Individual Psychology (Alfred Adler- sickly childhood) growth model instead of sickness model motivated by social relatedness not sexual urges; purposeful/goal-directed behavior; focus on consciousness; stressed choice, responsibility, meaning of life, striving for success (feelings of inferiority motivate us to move towards superiority/higher level)†¦holistic, collaborative, social, goal oriented, systemic, and humanistic in trying to understand the systems in which we live; Phenomenologcial Approach- view world from client’s subj pt of view; all behavior has a purpose, pay attention to themes across ppl life; Fictional Finalism/Guided Self Ideal/Goal of Perfection- central goal that drives behavior; experiences not decisive factor but interpretation decisions made based on them shape personality; faulty interpretations mistaken goals=adverse behavior; awareness of faulty interpretations=opportunity to change†¦social interests (pos attitude toward others contribution) =innate taught, learned, used, Mental Health=social interests + self identification + empathy; no social interest = inferiority/alienation Community feeling=connected to humanity (past, present, future to make world better) –no community feeling=discouragement/uselessness *3 Universal Life Task: Building Friendships (social task), Establishing Intimacy (Love/Marriage Task), Contributing to Society (Occupational Task), additional (Dreikurs Mosak (1967) Getting Along With Others (Self Acceptance), Developing Spiritual Dimension; not completing life task=disorder- Things to do (build relationship with client, identify birth order, early recollections, look at private logic, do lifestyle assessment)†¦Birth Order/Family Constellation (Oldest, Second Child of Only Two, Middle Child, Youngest Child, Only Child)- interpretation of your order is key; Providing info, teaching, guiding, and offering encouragement to discouraged clients(new ways of looking at self, others, life/goals)- client/therapist rel = equal, trust, collaboration, goal alignment, encourage the development of self understanding, reorientation; Adlerian Brief Therapy (ABT)- applications Child Guidance, Parent/Child Counseling, Couples, Family, Group, Cultural, Correctional/Rehab†¦listening to children- identify mistaken goals consequences, emotional coaching, encouragement (Parent Ed Prog STEP Active Parenting)†¦ Multicultural: addresses social equality issues/social embededness, focus on health, cultural/social context (effects of social class, racism, sexism, genderism, role of spirituality) Shortcomings: some cultures may not see self change as important as family and extended family might be more important, some may not wish to explore past childhood memories and/or family experiences, therapist is not an expert Existential Therapy (no particular founder but many streams of thought; Victor Frankl â€Å"Man’s Search for Meaning/Death Camp to Existentialism- began in Nazi concentration camp experiences- essence of life lies in searching for meaning/purpose living an authentic life (Rollo May â€Å"Meaning of Anxiety†: therapy should be aimed at helping discover the meaning of life and should be more concerned with the problems than problem solving)†¦ Frankl – fond of quoting Nietzsche â€Å"he has a right to live for can bear with him any how†â€Å"that which does not kill me, makes me stronger *developed logotherapy therapy for meaning†¦ Sheds light on what it means to be fully alive†¦ To be alive encompasses ability to take hold of life day by day as well as to find meaning in suffering *the therapeutic process is aimed at challenging individuals to find meaning and purpose, among other things, suffering, work, and love (Frankl, 1965) 1. Rollo May it takes courage to â€Å"be†, and our choices determine the kind of person we become†¦ There is a constant struggle within us because although growth was maturity and independence, we realized the expansion is often a painful process way of thinking; acknowledges the human situation but emphasizes the freedom to choose what to make of our circumstances; not victims b/c of choice (goal=reflect on life to see how circumstances have been accepted and control lost, recognize alternatives, decide on them to consciously shape life)†¦ *crucial significance- acts against the tendency to identify therapy as a set of techniques; focuses understanding of what it means to be human- Basic Dimensions of Human Condition (1. the greater awareness=greater freedom, 2. Ppl free to choose alternatives; freedom=responsibility for our lives, actions, failures to take action- guilt forms when aware of evading a commitment or haven’t chosen an alt, 3. Ppl concerned with their uniqueness centeredness but want to relate to others- sense of isolation occurs when we have not discovered for ourselves who we are outside of our relationships, what we get from our intimate relationships, are our relationships equal? , 4. Struggle for meaning and purpose in life- emptiness=absence of purpose, 5. Existential anxiety=unavoidable result of being confronted with the givens of existence- normal anxiety=app response to an event used as movitation to change- neurotic anxiety=extreme response usually unconscious and immobilizing, 6. Awareness of death as not negative/normal- motivation to do things of value†¦. sually deal with clients who have restricted existence- limited awareness of themselvestherapist help clients become aware encourage action in the world of how to live differently†¦most suitable for clients exp developmental crisis, grief/loss, confronting death, facing a major life decision- Group Therapy- enables honesty w/self , widens perspective of self/world, clarifies what gives meaning to life- Multicultural- no particular way to viewing reality, broad perspective, focuses on human conditions that transcend boundaries, clients examine how social/cultural conditioning affects them- Shortcomings- ignores social factors that cause human problems, clients who believe they have little choice bc of environmental circumstances (racism, oppression, etc) severely restrict their ability to influence the direction of life, does not include social interventions, some cultures do not focus on self self-determination, not structured and problem oriented approach Person-Centered Therapy (Carl Rogers- humanistic psychology- close but strict religious family relationship; play discouraged=lonely, wouldn’t share with mother bc of her judgement=necessity of nonjudgemental listening acceptance if clients are to change, not concerned with history, avoid leading/probing questions, interpretations, evaluation, or frequency/length of therapy; not a prob solving model but growth model/client chooses their goals, shared journey in which therapist guide bc of more experience and psychological maturity, greatest action=reduction of racial tensions efforts to achieve world peace (Nobel Peace Prize Winner) â€Å"quiet revolutionary†- shares concepts with existentialism=ppl are trustworthy; capable of understanding and resolving their own conflicts wo direct intervention; attitudes and personal characteristics of the therapists, quality of client-therapist relationship=prime determinants of the outcome of therapy- expected model to evolve and change†¦. Period of Developm’t=1. 1940s=nondirective counseling- therapists permissive and nondirective, clients reflect/clarify feelings (believed giving advice, suggestion, direction, persuasion, teaching, diagnosis, and interpretation were inadequate, pre-judical, and often misused), 2. 1950s=client centered therapy- emphasis on client phenomenological (existence in the world around us) world actualizing tendency as motivation for change, 3. Late 50s-70s=process of becoming one’s experience- openness to experience, trust it, adding evaluation, willingness to be that process- client centered applied to education=student centered teaching, 4. 0s-90s=interest in edu, politics, industry, groups, concrete resolution, world peace increased as well as how ppl obtain, process, share or surrender power over other/themselves increased=person centered approach†¦Similiarties to Existentialism *shared respect for clients subjective (own) experience, respect unique ness/individuality, trust capacity to make pos/constructive conscious choices, emphasis on freedom, choice, values, personal resp, autonomy, purpose, meaning, place little emphasis on techniques†¦Differences to Existentialism *existentialists believe we are faced with anxiety of choosing to create an identity in a world that lacks meaning, humanists focus less on anxiety but more on natural potential to actualize and find meaning; in therapy if conditions are right ppl will grow towards actualization(a directional process of striving towards fulfillment, autonomy, perfection (not perfect but higher level than previous)†¦. herapist create secure environment through congruence (realness/genuineness/openness of feelings, thoughts, reactions, attitudes appropriately/professionally), unconditional positive regard/acceptance/love (non-possessive, nonjudgemental, not for personal satification), accurate empathetic understanding (ability to grasp the subjective world of others; no t sympathy)=less defensiveness, value their experiences, modify perceptions, increased confidence, more openness, prosocial/constructive behavior†¦therapist focus on what is right for the client, assests they bring, how they act in the world, how they can move forward in constructive ways successfully encounter obstacles that are blocking growth=living fully/authentically with realization that this is a continual process in which actualization never arrives†¦clients seek therapy bc of helplessness, powerlessness, and inability to make decisions/direct their lives and learn to explore policing feelings of fear, anxiety, shame, hatred, anger, etc†¦Expressive Arts Therapy (Natalie Rogers)- all ppl have the ability to be creative, transformative healing process bc of inc self awareness, understanding, insight, inner and outer world become one Multicultural- highly used in European countries, lack of techniques procedures but being with clients â€Å"present†(listening, accepting, respecting, understanding, responding), allows for diversity, innovation, and individualization in practice, sharing of reactions, caring, immediacy of addressing what is going on, clients more actively involved in assessment/treatment, Group/Families/School- lack of controlling but facilitators of safe/healing climate providing more self-direction assuming of responsibilities/consequences, in crisis- presents opp to express themselves fully, be understood/accepted but may need to provide more structure, workshops promote cross cultural comm†¦.. Shortcomings- clients may desire more structure and techniques, may be diff for some to transfer into ractice, some cultures may not value autonomy and personal growth, may not provide significant challenges/tasks to clients, clients select goals, personal limitations of therapists due to a lack of experience with an experience Ethics- mandatory ethics=ethical prac at min level of prof prac, aspirational ethics=best interests of the client, positive ethics=doing what’s best instead of min level, ethics-edu everyone about prof resp of profession; provide accountability- Steps 1. Identify prob, 2. Identify potential issues, 3. Look for ethics, 4. Consider laws/regulations, 5. Consultation(document), 6. Courses of action, 7. Consequences, 8. Decide on best course of action†¦Limits to confidentiality- abuse, danger to self/others, criminality, hospitalization needed, informed consent, consultation, subpoena†¦Microskills Hierarchy - †¦bottom up.. 1. thics, multicultural competence (exam beliefs, avoid assumptions, be sensitive and understanding of how power, privilege, and other sociocultural influences affect cultures, values, biases, be aware of them; don’t impose them on clients), wellness (sleep, exercise, balance, setting boundaries, fami ly/friends, diet, relaxation, pers counseling), 2. Attending behaviors (culturally and individually approp visual (eye contact), vocal qualities, verbal tracking, body language, mirroring behavior (slight), affirmation, resp feedback, smiling, nodding, caring, 3. questions (open: Could? Would? Can? vs. closed: specific, Is? Are? Do? - avoid suggestions/advice, why? , over questioning or questions as stmts that suggest, appropriate/timely silence, sometimes nonattention (avoids rambling), 4. Observational skills (nonjudgemental but take notice), 5. Encouraging (use the most), paraphrasing, summarizing (use the least) stmts, 6. Reflection of feelings4 main feelings=sadness, anger, fear, joy (each has a range)†¦be present/hold space for client’s feelings, nonjudgemental, empathetic, feelings you’re most comfortable with has to do something with you personally, all feelings are ok; actions/behaviors are the problem, trust don’t try to change feelings, you don’t have to feel their feelings but if you do (countertransference) be aware, put aside, work on that personally†¦Personal Characteristics of Therapists=self-awareness, open to change, goal-oriented, authentic, humor, not perfectionist, live in the present, appreciate other cultures, social interest, interpersonal skills, have meaning/purpose, passionate, healthy boundaries†¦Diff of New Therapists=anxiety, being one’s self, perfect, silence, demands of client, client lack of commitment, ambiguity, losing self, humor, therapist/client journey, not giving advice, defining role as therapist, learning to use t echniques, developing personal counseling style, staying vital balanced
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Personal Ethics Essay Sample
Personal Ethics Essay Sample Personal Ethics Essay As a person valuing your personal activity is one of the best ways to ensure that you are deciding the best actions that satisfy your interest as a human being. This is because having a correct decision prevents your own self from getting into undesirable actions and scenarios in the future. Personal ethics is one way of becoming a responsible person at all times. This is a process where you are always responsible for your actions and decisions that make you a better person while you value your actions to become functional in the long run. As a person, it is important to ensure that your actions and decisions benefit your interest as well as having the capacity to improve your plans in the future. Personal ethics is important because it shows how a person fully respects their decision and actions that are relevant to their professional and personal practice. Personal ethics represents how a person is always responsible for their decisions in their personal and professional affairs. As a person, the significance of allowing capabilities to become functional enhances the credibility to ensure that there is something positive that can be applied in order to elicit positive attitude and vibes with the involved party. Responsibility comes with an efficient way of delivering an action that is acceptable to other individuals. This comes with an activity that engages in a functional way of delivering thoughts of becoming a disciplined person. Showing a sense of discipline allow a person to prevent committing mistakes in the future because they are aware of the acceptable and unacceptable actions that portray interesting knowledge and skills to satisfy their goals. Personal ethics is usually affected by a person’s personality because it is where the character comes out to any situation and activity. The character of a person reflects their views and interest that conveys an important measure to determine their emotional well-being. Attitude is the main basis to identify a person’s interest by means of allowing an individual to become reliable with their practices. The personality of a person determines their personal gesture, which has been responsible for encouraging their actions to reflect their belief and activities that translate their relationship with their ethical norms and values. If a person shows a strong personality towards others, they are observed to establish a poor interpersonal relationship with other individuals. The reason behind is that their strong personality might not be compatible with other individuals with a weaker personality either at home or at work. The implications brought about by personal ethics are the ability to adjust with other individual’s attitude or character. Reflecting the character of a person reveals that they are able to know the things that are either appropriate or inappropriate. Character reference reveals a person’s personal ethics by means of detailing their attitudes by describing their personality towards other individuals. As they say, your friends act as mirrors of your personality that meticulously describe your behavior towards other individuals or groups in any circumstance. If there are issues that concern other people, they describe your personality as strong and inappropriate for other individuals. However, having a nice personality can be described by other individuals to have positive vibes over other individuals or groups to have similar intuitions and objectives with any belief of activities (Sim, 2015). Reference Sim, May (2015). â€Å"Why Confucius’ Ethics is a Virtue Ethics†, in Besser-Jones and Slote, pp. 63–76.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Pursuing Public Safety.A Loose Fish in the Sea of Criminal Justice Term Paper
Pursuing Public Safety.A Loose Fish in the Sea of Criminal Justice - Term Paper Example The states have enforced or applied the principles of incapacitation and rehabilitation as ways to ensure public safety. Recidivism is defined as â€Å"a tendency to slip back into a previous criminal behavior pattern†such as the return to prison or a new sentence for a new offense (Beck, n.d.) The principle behind incapacitation follows that a person who is imprisoned will not perpetrate a crime. Imprisonment and capital punishment are the major ways to compel incapacitation which will prevent a person to commit a crime. Rehabilitation, on the other hand, is non-punitive and believes that a person can be prohibited to commit a crime by helping him to solve his issues that led him to commit a crime. This principle considers that each person is defective and commission of a crime is not the person’s purpose but may be a result of other physical, emotional, sociological factors (Renter, 2008). The paper talks about how the government should focus on determining the strat egies that will actually lessen the recidivism. According to Gomez (2008), although there are lots of theories on how to reduce recidivism and ensure public safety, resorting to incapacitation has not been very helpful to achieve these goals. This is because the government and the criminal justice system has devoted its resources and focus on isolating the lawbreakers and not on how to treat the criminal behaviour of the offenders. The treating of behaviour of the criminal offenders is more important than just merely imprisoning them. Thus, according to the Gomez (2008), it is better to make sure those who are capable of earning an honest living be allowed and encourage doing so. During the time the study of Gomez (2008) was still ongoing, Minnesota is suffering the highest unemployment rate in seventeen years thus the government thought that it should be the time to address the reality and let this offender work without sacrificing the public safety of the people. Aside from being able to give a chance for the offenders to earn and support their family and earn an honest living, they can help Minnesota on solving issues on impaired bridges, highways, dams, plants and water systems (Gomez, 2008). This is something like â€Å"hitting two birds with one stone.†The offenders are more likely not going to commit crime again because of the employment opportunity given to them. If this is the case, recidivism issue is addressed and community problems are solved without sacrificing public safety. Another Look at That Loose Fish But certainly, this approach will not always be giving us the positive effects. If there should be a reason why we should not try to reduce recidivism among the state and federal prisoners by teaching them to build houses and highways that would not otherwise be built is because of the fact that there will be a number of prisoners that will just run-off and leave the responsibilities. Another reason is that it is going to be unfair for the public because as we know, there is a high unemployment rate, meaning there are still a lot of people in the community who are unemployed and are not given an opportunity to get a job because these jobs are given to the offenders or felons. Billions of dollars are spent by the government to incarcerate felons to train and at least some of them so they can re-enter the free world more capable of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Concept Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Concept Analysis - Research Paper Example Last but not least, the nurse should inform patients about their discharge medications, how to take the medications, when to take them, and common side effects of such medications. Though this is what should be discussed, many times, the nurses in the emergency department that I work in simply hand the patients’ their discharge paperwork without going over it. This leads to patients calling the hospital from confusion of discharge instructions. This also causes patients to come back to the emergency department due to limited understanding of discharge instructions. For example, some patients may stop taking their antibiotics because they feel better, causing them to get worse. According to the Oxford dictionary, comprehension denotes ability to understand something. Thus, in the context of a hospital discharge instructions the requirement for the nurse is to ensure that the patient understands these instructions. Unfortunately, it has been observed that this is not always the case studies on this subject indicate that ninety million Americans have a problem comprehending their own medical care. One reason for this is that most health-related documentation is above the typical users reading capacity (McCarthy et al 2012). Additionally, published discharge directions are not written at apposite reading levels meaning that most of the emergency department patients fail to understand their instructions. The resolution to discharge a patient from the emergency department (ED) is not an easy one; however, it is fundamental that once the decision is made proper measures be taken to ascertain that the patient is well versed on how to continue with the care program. The ability to continue with the care program has many ramifications that exceed direct benefits to the individual in regard to health. Other benefits can also be linked to the healthcare system as poor comprehension means that patients are at an
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Enterprise Application Integration and Business Intelligence
Enterprise Application Integration and Business Intelligence Table of Contents (Jump to) Abstract Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration requirements EAI integration Architecture EAI using XML interface Case study on Business Intelligence Steps converting file onto open source XML EAI moving forward Advantages and disadvantages of Enterprise Application Integration Conclusion References List of Figures Need for Enterprise Application Integration Abstract Business Intelligence helps in strategic alignment of businesses. By performing visualization and applying several Business Intelligence tools; company can understand in better way how the people, processes, income and technology can be used together at an Enterprise level. Enterprise Application Integration is an informal process which has been carried out with integration of various applications. With this research paper we can clearly understand EAI approach to integration, different level of interfaces and EAI with XML, also we can describe the advantages of Enterprise Application Integration at enterprise level. We will also study the case study on how different file formats gets converting with the help of Open source XML tool. Key Words: Enterprise Application Integration, Open Source XML, Metadata, Online Analytical Processing Engine (OLAP), Interface. Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration is the combination of informal processes were all applications are integrated together to share information and processes freely. EAI helps in rethinking of technology which helps in making decisions in shorter duration with less cost. In today’s world vast majority of firms are depending on newer applications and hence integration of new applications at an enterprise level not only saves millions of dollars for different corporations who share application information inside the organization or with other multinational firm. Figure below gives the clear idea how the applications are integrated and the need EAI. (Linthicum, 1999) Need of Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Integration requirements Business Process Integration: Most important thing for any organization is to check the process at which the integration and exchange of information takes place. Business Process Integration involves the management process, modeling and work flow. This helps in reducing the cost and satisfies the customers’ needs. Application Integration: Real time integration needs to be done by bringing data form one application to different application. In order to integrate successfully, backend application needs to be supported by Customer Relationship (CRM) Model and Business to Business integration model. CRM with backend application will help in building good systems for different businesses. Data Integration: Data needs to be integrated for successful Business Process and Application processes. Metadata must be constructed, location for that data needs to identify and recorded. By this way data can be shared with various database systems, available in XML, COBRA, EDI, COM+DCOM. Platform Integration: Platform Integration provides the tool that helps in communicating the systems optimally and securely. And data can be transferred to different applications. All these are needed requirements for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) for eliminating different errors in integration. ( Fenner, n.d.) EAI Integration Architecture EAI consist of two types of Architectures, Direct point to point and Middleware based. Point to point architecture: If there are less systems to integrate this type of architecture is most valuable, easy to understand and helps newer websites to integrate with current sales order system. The disadvantage with this approach is that it will not provide integration with multiple systems. Also the coupling, dependencies and multiple integration points are its drawbacks. And hence we need to provide intermediate level for this integration points. Middleware architecture: A better way to integrate the organizations is to mediate with different applications. Generic interfaces can be provided and passed to different applications and each interface defines the process. With the help of middleware architecture routing, separating, aggregating is done on data; in this way applications can be modified, added or removed. ( Fenner, n.d.) EAI and different level of Interface We can understand EAI at an application level interface, data level interface and user level interface. Application level interface: This type of interface is most common interfaces which gives developers customized interconnection at various level of interface. With the help of Application Interface the developers can access to business processes and perform encapsulation of data without entering the database. Other advantage at Application Interface is to provide the mechanism which helps in sharing of data. Application level interface uses application programming which is used to connect servers, databases and middleware layers. Let us consider two systems one is the older system which is COBOL and other is the latest application interface system EAI, in order to have successful communication we use programming languages like C,C++ and java. To get the information of customer or to have product quantity we can write GetCustomerInformation (â€Å"cust_no†) Quantityavalilable (â€Å"product_no†) Data Level Interface: It involves the process of business flow directly with public interface with different applications. This level of interface is very much important as it customers data stored at various databases of an organizations. Several data centric flow tools are emerging in the market for e business, customer relationship management and business intelligence. Let us consider Data level EAI by taking an example were the needs to be moved from Oracle database to Informix, here a developer needs to understand metadata for each database. After this the second step is to find duration and frequency at which the transformed. There are various tools such as message brokers, database replication software, custom build utilities, etc. User Level Interface: This is widely used interface level with a mechanism for accessing logic and data. It has a mechanism of screen scraping in which the information present on the screen is accessed through programming language. It also uses middle ware drivers for processing and data transmission. (Linthicum, 1999). EAI using XML Interface In order to access the database using XML interface organizations needs to purchase custom â€Å"connector†application that helps in converting different formats in to XML form. XML messaging is used between an application and a portal server which helps in retrieving the native data through a portal. XML has various features like BizzTalk routing details, portal instructions that help in messaging, sending and receiving to applications. All depends on XML schema which is like a pattern, having information regarding message. It also uses to update, delete or modify the documents as well as update the metadata for specific documents. The sample below gives the XML file which provides one way and bi directional channel between portal and external source. (Hameed, 2004). BizTalk Routing Details filetype=txt mode=1> 12300 Steve Steve 7432 Silver Columbia 21045 2345678 4320659 01/06/1999 window.NREUM||(NREUM={});NREUM.info={"beacon":"bam.nr-data.net","licenseKey":"de6e6cfad9","applicationID":"221047987","transactionName":"bl0HMhMFDEYCWhJeWlcXMBQISwdGEFgfRBpYShEPAggHGxNRFg==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":1,"atts":"QhoERFsfH0g=","errorBeacon":"bam.nr-data.net","agent":""} Case Study on Business Intelligence In this case study we can see how Winwise a leading software designer company wants to integrate reporting tool, reportsmith.net with Microsoft office software to satisfy customer’s demand. Reportsmith.net tool is providing cascading style sheets to change the application appearance; multiple reports can be created with drill down capability, data filtering, KPI and much more. Users with this tool are more flexible with applying filters, format graphs and tables and integrate them onto graphic charts and exports report with the help of Microsoft ASP.NET file format. The only disadvantage with ReportSmith.net is that users cannot export data to Microsoft excel sheets. As a result of which converting and deployment of report on binary file format is a big problem. Open source XML helps Business Intelligence with binary file formats that are helpful for exporting billions of documents and helps in exporting reports to Microsoft excel sheets. Winsight is a tool by which all queries are addressed to SQL server, online analytical processing (OLAP) engine in XML for analysis and return XML flow carried which was carried before. This flow can be displayed with the help of XML schema that converts file in to Open XML. By this way Winsight can sort out customer’s requests and convert any file into Open XML with which reports can be exported onto Microsoft excel sheets. And hence data integration is done at an Enterprise level. (Microsoft, 2007). Steps to Convert File into Open Source XML Select the package that is needed to be converted to Open source XML. Next thing is to generate XML schema. Using File name field set the desired output file. Using encoding field encode the desired XML. Generate the schema by clicking on generate button. Generated schema will be seen in progress edit box.( Web report, 2013). EAI moving Forward It is always better to know the present state and future state of Enterprise Application Integration; we need to think different approaches with respect to different technology. Message brokers, Open source XML are various tools which help in successful integration of Application to Application and Data base to database. Enterprise Data Interchange and XML are the sound solutions for integration, but organizations now days are moving for message brokers which are most cheaper and flexible approach. Security, Performance and administration are top aspects for company. (Lincthium,1999) Advantages and Disadvantages of Enterprise Application Integration With the help of message broking; applications can communicate asynchronously, messages can be send with less response time and less repetitive configuration. This disadvantage with EAI is that it uses central engine and broker can fail the whole network. All the applications run concurrently so messages between all applicants should pass through central engine. Message broker technique with its central engine also not suitable for larger geographic locations. Finally integration will be big problem with different vendors, internal systems, etc. Conclusion Enterprise Application Integration is successful tool in integrating different applications for many companies in IT industry. We have studied integration at data level, application level, and business level at different platforms. Also we have studied point to point architecture and Middleware architecture. We have seen Enterprise Application at different level of interface. Implementing Application Integration provides flexibility in interfacing different file formats with the open source XML tool, also we have seen the case study of Winwise organization, how they have interface Reprotsmith.net tool with Microsoft excel and successfully imported the reports. In conclusion we can say Enterprise Application Interface has advantages and disadvantages in parallel. References Linthicum, D.S. (November 5, 1999). A textbook on ENTERPRISE APPLICATION INTEGRATION: Addison Wesley Ballard. C, Hamid. A, Frankus. R (August, 2006). A textbook on Improving Business performance Insight: With Business Intelligence and Business Process Management: IBM:Red Books. Microsoft. (August 30, 2007). Solution Provider Uses Open XML to Create Scalable Business Intelligence Tools. Retrieved on January 24, 2013 from http://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/Microsoft-Office- 2007Suites/Winsight/Solution- Provider-Uses-Open-XML-to-Create-Scalable-Business-Intelligence-Tools/4000000485 Fenner. J ( n.d.) Enterprise Application Integration Techniques retrieved on January 25, 2013 from http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/ucacwxe/lectures/3C05-02-03/aswe21-essay.pdf Hameed. S ( March 26, 2004). Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) using XML: Codeguru, retrieved on January 26, 2013 from http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/i-n/internet/xml/article.php/c6773/Enterprise-Application-Integration-EAI-Using-XML.htm Web Report ( January 14, 2013).XML schema generation retrieved on January 26, 2013 from http://www.sparxsystems.com/resources/xml_schema_generation.html
Friday, January 17, 2020
Sentencing and punishment essay in achieving justice Essay
The main purpose of the criminal justice system is to prevent crimes and to protect citizens from the wrong doings of others and to keep society in a stable and working order. Throughout Australia, sentencing is the final unambiguous act given from the court to the offender as their result of punishment. The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) is apparent to be one of the main core of statutory guidelines in relation to the sentencing procedure in NSW. The law itself explores the type of penalties, purposes of punishment, clarifies that prison is the last resort and discusses the limitations on penalties. The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) characterises all the various factors which have to be considered during the act of sentencing, for example, mitigating and aggravating factors such as the evidence in which is presented by the circumstance of the crime and or the character of the offender, as well as the state of mind in which the offender was under. This es say will further highlight the effectiveness of sentencing and punishment to an extent as for the ineffectiveness of the issue as well. The main purpose of the criminal justice system is to prevent crimes and to protect citizens from the wrong doings of others and to keep society in a stable and working order. Throughout Australia, sentencing is the final unambiguous act given from the court to the offender as their result of punishment. The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) is apparent to be one of the main core of statutory guidelines in relation to the sentencing procedure in NSW. The law itself explores the type of penalties, purposes of punishment, clarifies that prison is the last resort and discusses the limitations on penalties. The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) characterises all the various factors which have to be considered during the act of sentencing, for example, mitigating and aggravating factors such as the evidence in which is presented by the circumstance of the crime and or the character of the offender, as well as the state of mind in which the offender was under. This essay will further highlight the effectiveness of sentencing and punishment to an extent as for the ineffectiveness of the issue as well. The main purpose of the criminal justice system is to prevent crimes and to protect citizens from the wrong doings of others and to keep society in a stable and working order. Throughout Australia, sentencing is the final unambiguous act given from the court to the offender as their result of punishment. The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) is apparent to be one of the main core of statutory guidelines in relation to the sentencing procedure in NSW. The law itself explores the type of penalties, purposes of punishment, clarifies that prison is the last resort and discusses the limitations on penalties. The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) characterises all the various factors which have to be considered during the act of sentencing, for example, mitigating and aggravating factors such as the evidence in which is presented by the circumstance of the crime and or the character of the offender, as well as the state of mind in which the offender was under. This essay will further highlight the effectiveness of sentencing and punishment to an extent as for the ineffectiveness of the issue as well.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Effects Of Stress Disorder On The World Of Chaos
Traumatic stress disorders are on the rise in our world of chaos. Most people will find themselves being the victim of a traumatic incident at some point in their lives. For some, trauma is lived out daily. If they do not experience a trauma, then the likelihood is great that they are connected in some way to a victim of trauma. Acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder have become a topic of great interest to researchers. This text will define acute stress disorder also called ASD, and how it might be an early indicator of post-traumatic stress disorder. The text will also explain the various symptoms of acute stress disorder, how it was recognized and the diagnostic guideline. This text aims to address how the lives of individual who are impacted by trauma can be affected by ASD, and also cover the different treatment approached used by professionals and spiritual leaders. The scope and content in this paper aim to address how acute stress disorder affects an individ ual’s life and present the vital components of successful coping skills for individuals who experience trauma. The text will also bring attention to the various approaches of treatment by professionals and spiritual leaders. Introduction Upon the initial impact of a traumatic experience an individual can experience a vast number of psychological and physical reactions. Trauma is unique to each individual and therefore reactions to trauma andShow MoreRelatedThe Hurt Locker By Film Maker Kathryn Bigelow1273 Words  | 6 Pages played by James Renner, captures this message through his job description, dialogue, and demeanor, which is presented his obstinate/erratic behaviors. The creative selective style of slow motion effects, instability of camera movement, and the intense sound/visual effects clearly evokes the chaos and confusion associated with any drug/addiction. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Analysis Of Nora Helmer s A Doll s House - 841 Words
Brennan1 John.Brennan Lisa Wall English Composition II 29 March 2015 Knowing about Nora Helmer From the beginning of A Doll’s House play, Nora Helmer appears to a obedient wife. She doesn t seem to mind when her husband, Torvald, calls her his little squirrel, his little lark, and a featherhead, (1.5-1.16).And more than that, she seems to enjoy and even play into it. She shows also a generous behavior, by giving a good tip to the porter and buying a lot of Christmas presents. The love of her husband makes her responds affectionately to his teasing, and the love of her kids makes her enjoy their company. Nora seems completely happy. But, behind that face which makes everyone think that she doesn’t know more that what she needs to keep her husband and kids, a mixture of intelligence, ambition, fierce and courage aspects coexist in his soul. When Nora’s friend Christine arrives, Nora reveals a little secret. She s not just living off her husband. On the contrary, she saved his life. Unbeknownst to Torvald, Nora had borrowed money for a year-long trip to Italy . Doctors said that Torvald would die without it. Rather than being the spendthrift that both Torvald and Christine accuse her of, she s actually quite thrifty indeed. She had been secretly working odd jobs and even taking money from her allowance to pay back the debt. Later on you learn that Nora was so determined to save her husband,Show MoreRelatedHenrik Ibsen s A Doll s House944 Words  | 4 PagesMy character analysis is based on Nora and Torvald Helmer and the progression of their relationship from the play â€Å"A Doll’s House†by Henrik Ibsen. Both Torvald and Nora Helmer played as major characters but were flat and static in the beginning. Nora with her childlike and submissive behavior toward her husband of eight years and Torvald with a stereotypical point of view. Developing this trait as a child from her father Nora believed this was an acceptable behavior for her marriage. And TorvaldRead MoreA Doll House : A Play From Different Perspectives1557 Words  | 7 PagesSean Walsh Literary Perspectives Research Essay A Doll House: A Play from Different Perspectives When A Doll House was first produced Ibsen successfully shocked and angered many who went to go see it. However if you google A Doll House today you’ll find many article’s praising it for its feminist themes. When looking at reviews for A Doll House after its first production I find no mention of feminism but rather many called it untrue and one even called the third act â€Å"it’s Achilles heel†(AvisRead MoreA Dolls House, Drama Analysis, Realism and Naturalism1235 Words  | 5 PagesA Dolls House, Drama Analysis, Realism and Naturalism Topic B: Character Nora Helmer frolics about in the first act, behaves desperately in the second, and gains a stark sense of reality during the finale of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. Ibsen was one of a few pioneers of the new theatrical movement of realism, and accordingly he is often called the father of modern drama. The character of Nora lives in a dream world, a childlike fantasy, where everything is perfect, and everything makes senseRead MoreSymbolism Of A Doll House By Henrik Ibsen937 Words  | 4 PagesSymbolism in A Doll House In Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House, the play is framed around symbolism and its irony. Symbolism throughout the play acts as a subliminal foreshadowing, each individually hinting at the impending end. The irony is continually represented through Ibsen’s play between perception and reality - perception being the evident meaning of each symbol and reality, being the ironic opposite connotation exclusively in Nora and Torvald’s situation. Symbolism and its ironic opposite connotationRead MoreA Doll S House 13753 Words  | 16 Pagesï » ¿A Doll’s House Themes Marriage Women and Femininity Men and Masculinity The Home Respect and Reputation Love Lies and Deceit Money  Love and Marriage As a play focused around the marriage between Nora and Torvald, A Doll s House can be seen as an exploration of love and marriage, or even, more profoundly, on whether there can be love in marriage. At the beginning of the play, Nora and Torvald appear to be very happily married, even to themselves. Nora talks joyfully about her love for TorvaldRead More A Dolls House: Nora Essay964 Words  | 4 PagesAN ANALYSIS OF NORA, THE MEN IN HER LIFE, AND HER NAVIGATATION TO INDEPENDENCE nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The play, A Doll House, written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879, is considered a landmark in drama for its portrayal of realistic people, places, and situations. Ibsen confines his story to the middle class. He writes of a society that is limited not only by its means of livelihood but also its outlook. Ibsen portrays his characters  as preoccupied with work and money, showing a reductionRead MoreA Dolls House Character Analysis1504 Words  | 7 Pagestheir life as well as finally understand what a hypocritical life they have mistakenly led. At the beginning of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Nora Helmer is shown as a childish and na ve housewife with a knack for spending money. This opinion is transferred mostly through Nora’s â€Å"parent – child†dialogue with her husband, Torvald. Torvald’s usual characterization of Nora as an â€Å"expensive little person†(p14) with a skill of melting his money in her hands clearly illustrates Nora’s relation with her husbandRead MoreA Doll House: English Analysis of Drama Essay2499 Words  | 10 PagesEnglish: Analysis of Drama IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER: AN ANALYSIS OF NORA, THE MEN IN HER LIFE, AND HER NAVIGATATION TO INDEPENDENCE  The play, A Doll House, written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879, is considered a landmark in drama for its portrayal of realistic people, places, and situations. Ibsen confines his story to the middle class. He writes of a society that is limited not only by its means of livelihood but also its outlook. Ibsen portrays his characters  as preoccupied with work and moneyRead MoreA Doll House by Henrik Ibsen7379 Words  | 30 PagesMa. Jennifer S. Yap Dr. Sherwin Perlas World Literature January 14, 2012 A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen Translated by Rolf Fjelde I. Introduction During the late nineteenth century, women were enslaved in their gender roles and certain restrictions were enforced on them by a male dominant culture. Every woman was raised believing that they had neither self-control nor self-government but that they must yield to the control of a stronger gender. John Stuart Mill wrote in his essay, â€Å"The SubjectionRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1908 Words  | 8 Pages A Doll s House not only explains Ibsen’s view on the topic of women and marriage, but tastefully and subtly provides a new opinion for the reader: that women were just as powerful as men. The play tells the story of the life of a wealthy family in Norway in the 1870 s. The play specifically follows the lives of Nora and Torvald Helmer and friends. The opening scene por-trays Nora entering their residence on Christmas Eve, returning home after shopping with maca-roons. When Torvald enters, scolding
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